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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

# 33 Dr Price's Book back in print

Dr. Joseph MercolaAuthor of theTotal Health Program

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Issue 189
January 21, 2001
The Neglected Nutritional Research of Dr. Weston Price, DDS
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Politically Incorrect: The Neglected Nutritional Research of Dr. Weston Price, DDS

[ Part 1, Part 2 ]
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By Dr. Stephen Byrnes
Order THE Classic of NaturalMedicine for Just $19.95 Now
It seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. With the advent of antibiotics in the 1930s, modern medicine has prided itself on its near total eradication of several deadly diseases:
Modern medicine has a drug and a diagnostic test for just about everything and, because of this edifice of pharmacological technology, people are generally in awe of doctors and the medical profession.
Despite our amazing scientific advances - television, movies, the space shuttle, walking on the moon, etc. - we have gotten nowhere when it comes to chronic disease. Doctors cringe and cower when a patient with arthritis comes to see them.
The same goes for people afflicted with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and AIDS: medical science, with all its technological wizardry (and overweening pride), has NO effective treatments or cures for any of these diseases. And the rates for these diseases keep climbing.
When it comes to CVD, for example, doctors may claim that they have reduced the mortality rates of people who've had heart attacks, but this is because science has the technology to keep people alive once they've had the heart attack. The risk and incidence of CVD, however, has only risen and worsened. Despite the pushing of low fat/cholesterol diets, blood thinning drugs, polyunsaturated oils, and calorie counting, the 20th century has not made a dent in the rates of CVD.
Things were not so bad back at the turn of the last century, but the situation was worsening enough to make one man take notice. Dr. Weston Price of Cleveland, Ohio, was a dentist in private practice who had a truly glorious and distinguished career.
He had taught the science to thousands at dental schools, authored technical papers and textbooks, and headed an incredible study on the role of root canals in promoting diseases of various types. (For those of you interested in reading more about this aspect of Dr. Price's work, you can check out the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation's webpage at Despite Price's amazing work, it has largely been forgotten and this is unfortunate, for in it is a treaure trove of nutritional information that can lead modern peoples to greater health and vitality, and awayfrom the scourge of chronic disease.
Dr. Price's Nutrition Studies
Price noticed that his patients were suffering more and more chronic and degenerative diseases. He also noticed that his younger patients had increasingly deformed dental arches, crooked teeth, and cavities. This definitely concerned him: he had not seen such things just ten or fifteen years ago.
Why was it happening now? Price also noticed a strong correlation between dental health and physical health: a mouth full of cavities went hand in hand with a body either full of disease, or generalized weakness and susceptibility to disease. In Price's time, tuberculosis was the major infectious illness, the White Scourge. He noticed that children were increasingly affected, the ones with the lousy teeth.
Dr. Price had heard rumors of native cultures where so-called primitive people lived happy lives, free of disease. He hit on an idea: why not go find these people and find out (1) if they really are healthy, and (2) if so, find out what they're doing to keep themselves healthy. Being rather well off financially, he and his wife started traveling around the world to remote locations. They were specifically looking for healthy peoples who had not been touched yet by civilization - at that time, such groups were still around.
Price's work is often criticized at this point for being biased. Critics claim that Price simply ignored native peoples that were not healthy, therefore, his data and conclusions about primitive diets are unfounded. These critics are missing the point and motivation for Dr. Price's work. Dr. Price was not interested in examining sick people because he'd seen enough of them in America.
Price wanted to find HEALTHY people, find out what made them so, and see if there were any patterns among these people. During his nine years of journeys, Price did indeed come across groups of primitives who were having problems for various reasons. Price noted these groups down, what appeared to be their difficulty, and then passed them over. Again, he was not interested in sick people. Price often found that the health problems were caused by food shortages (especially a lack of animal products), droughts, things people living off the land must face from time to time, or contact with white European civilization.
Dr. Price and his wife went just about everywhere in their journeys. They traveled to isolated villages in the Swiss alps, to cold and blustery islands off the coast of Scotland, to the Andes mountains in Peru, to several locations in Africa, to the Polynesian islands, to Australia and New Zealand, to the forests of northern Canada, and even to the Arctic Circle. In all, Price visited with fourteen groups of native peoples.
After gaining the trust of the village elders in the various places, Price did what came naturally: he counted cavities and physically examined them. Imagine his surprise to find, on average, less than 1% of tooth decay in all the peoples he visited!
He also found that these people's teeth were perfectly straight and white, with high dental arches and well-formed facial features. And there was something more astonishing: none of the peoples Price examined practiced any sort of dental hygiene; not one of his subjects had ever used a toothbrush!
For example, when Price visited his first people, isolated Swiss mountain villagers, he noticed right away that the children's teeth were covered with a thin film of green slime, yet they had no tooth decay. What a difference this was from the children in Ohio!
Dr. Price also noticed that, in addition to their healthy teeth and gums, all the people he discovered were hardy and strong, despite the sometimes difficult living conditions they had to endure. Eskimo women, for example, gave birth to one healthy baby after another with little difficulty.
Despite the Swiss children going barefoot in frigid streams, there had not been a single case of tuberculosis in any of them, despite exposure to TB. In general, Price found, in contrast to what he saw in America, no incidence of the very diseases that plague us moderns with our trash compactors and cellular phones: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hemorrhoids, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome (it was called neurasthenia in Price's day), etc.
Dr. Price also noticed another quality about the healthy primitives he found: they were happy. While depression was not a major problem in Price's day, it certainly is today: ask any psychiatrist. While certain natives sometimes fought with neighboring tribes, within their own groups, they were cheerful and optimistic and bounced back quickly from emotional setbacks. These people had no need for antidepressants.
Lest you think Dr. Price made all of this up, he was sure to take along with him one modern invention that would forever chronicle his research and startling conclusions: a camera. Dr. Price and his wife took pictures - 18,000 of them. Many of the pictures are contained in Price's masterpiece Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. The pictures show native peoples from all over the world smiling wide as the Mississippi river, their perfect teeth shining bright.
Order THE Classic of NaturalMedicine for Just $19.95 Now
What thePeople Ate
In addition to examining the natives, Dr. Price also gathered considerable data about their distinctive cultures and customs, and these descriptions fill many of the pages of his book. Price took great care to observe what these people were eating for he suspected the key to good health and good teeth was in good food.
He was surprised to find that, depending on the people in question and where they lived, each group ate very differently from the other.
For example, the Swiss mountain villagers subsisted primarily on unpasteurized and cultured dairy products, especially butter and cheese. Rye also formed an integral part of their diet. Occasionally, they ate meat (beef) as cows in their herds got older. Small amounts of bone broths, vegetables and berries rounded out the diet. Due to the high altitude, not much vegetation grew. The villagers would eat what they could in the short summer months, and pickle what was left over for the winter. The main foods, however, were full fat cheese, butter, and rye bread.
Gaelic fisher people of the Outer Hebrides ate no dairy products, but instead had their fill of cod and other sea foods, especially shell fish (when in season). Due to the poor soil, the only grain that could grow was oat, and it formed a major part of the diet. A traditional dish, one considered very important for growing children and expectant mothers, was cod's head stuffed with oats and mashed fish liver. Again, due to the extremely inhospitable climate, fruits and vegetables grew sparsely. Price noted that a young Gaelic girl reeled in puzzlement when offered an apple: she had never seen one!
Eskimo, or Innu, ate a diet of almost 100% animal products with hefty amounts of fish. Walrus and seal, and other marine mammals also formed an integral part of the diet. Blubber (fat) was consumed with relish. Innu would gather nuts, berries, and some grasses during the short summer months, but their diet was basically all meat and fat. Price noted that the Innu would usually ferment their meat before eating it. That is, they would bury it and allow it to slightly putrefy before consuming it. Innu would also eat the partially digested grasses of caribou by cutting open their stomachs and intestines.
The Maori of New Zealand, along with other South sea islanders, consumed sea food of every sort - fish, shark, octopus, sea worms, shellfish - along with fatty pork and a wide variety of plant foods including coconut and fruit.
African cattle-keeping tribes like the Masai consumed virtually no plant foods at all, just beef, raw milk, organ meats, and blood (in times of drought).
The Dinkas of the Sudan, whom Price claimed were the healthiest of all the African tribes he studied, ate a combination of fermented whole grains with fish, along with smaller amounts of red meat, vegetables, and fruit. The Bantu, on the other hand, the least hardy of the African tribes studied, were primarily agriculturists. Their diet consisted mostly of beans, squash, corn, millet, vegetables, and fruits, with small amounts of milk and meat. Price never found a totally vegetarian culture. Modern anthropological data support this: all cultures and peoples show a preference for animal foods and animal fat.
Hunter-gatherer peoples in Northern Canada, the Florida Everglades, the Amazon, and Australia, consumed game animals of all types, especially the organ meats, and a variety of grains, legumes, tubers, vegetables, and fruits when available.
Price noted that all peoples, except the Innu, consumed insects and their larvae. Obviously in more tropical areas, insects formed a more integral part of the diet. Price noted that: The natives of Africa know that certain insects are very rich in special food values at certain seasons, also that their eggs are valuable foods. A fly that hatches in enormous quantities in Lake Victoria is gathered and used fresh and dried for storage. They also use ant eggs and ants. Bees, wasps, dragonflies, beetles, crickets, cicadas, moths, and termites were consumed with zest also, particularly in Africa.
Price also noted that all cultures consumed fermented foods each day. Foods such as cheese, cultured butter, yogurt, or fermented grain drinks like kaffir beer (made from millet) in Africa, or fermented fish as with the Innu were an important part of native diets.
Curiously, all native peoples studied made great efforts to obtain seafood, especially fish roe which was consumed so that we will have healthy children. Even mountain dwelling peoples would make semiannual trips to the sea to bring back seaweeds, fish eggs, and dried fish. Shrimp, rich in both cholesterol and vitamin D, was a standard food in many places, from Africa to the Orient.
The last major feature of native diets that Price found was that they were rich in fat, especially animal fat. Whether from insects, eggs, fish, game animals, or domesticated herds, primitive peoples knew that they would get sick if they did not consume enough fat. Explorers besides Dr. Price have also found this to be true.
For example, anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson, who lived for years among the Innu and Northern Canadian Indians, specifically noted how the Indians would go out of their way to hunt down older male caribou for they carried a 50 pound slab of back fat. When such animals were unavailable and Indians were forced to subsist on rabbits, a very lean animal, diarrhea and hunger would set in after about a week. The human body needs saturated fat to assimilate and utilize proteins and saturated animal fats contain high amounts of the fat soluble vitamins, as well as beneficial fatty acids with antimicrobial properties.
Of course, the foods that Price's subjects ate were natural and unprocessed. Their foods did not contain preservatives, additives, or colorings. They did not contain added sugar (though, when available, natural sweets like honey and maple syrup were eaten in moderation). They did not contain white flour or canned foods. Their milk products were not pasteurized, homogenized, or low fat. The animal and plant foods consumed were raised and grown on pesticide-free soil and were not given growth hormones or antibiotics. In short, these people always ate organic.
What the Samples Showed
Dr. Price was eager to chemically analyze the various foods these primitives ate. He was careful to obtain preserved samples of all types for analysis. Basically, the diets of these healthy peoples contained 10 times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins, and at least 4 times the amount of calcium, other minerals, and water soluble vitamins than Western diets at that time. No wonder these people were so healthy!
Because of the consumption of fermented and raw foods (including raw animal products), Price noted that native diets were rich in enzymes. Enzymes assist in the digestion of cooked foods.
Price noted that all peoples had a predilection and dietary pull towards foods rich in the fat-soluble vitamins. Price considered butter from pasture-fed cows, rich in these vitamins as well as minerals, to be the premiere health food. Fat-soluble vitamins are found in fats of animal origin, like butter, cream, lard, and tallow, as well as in organ meats.
And to dispel a common myth about native peoples, they did live long lives. Price took numerous photos of healthy primitives with heads full of gray hair. While we don't know exactly how old they were since they did not have calendars, they were, by all appearances, well past 60.
The Aborigines, for example, had a special society of the elderly. Obviously, if there were no old people among them, they would have had no need for such a group. Stefansson also reported great longevity among the Innu. It is true that death rates at younger ages were higher among some groups, but these mortalities were from the dangerous lifestyle these people lived, not from their diet. When you live in the Arctic Circle, for example, constantly fighting the elements, polar bears, ice flows, and leopard seals, you run the risk of an early death.
Another common misconception that modern nutrition holds towards native peoples and their high meat and fat diets is that they suffered from all sorts of degenerative diseases, especially osteoporosis and heart disease. The facts, however, do not support these contentions. Despite some studies done in the past few decades that tried to show the high rates of osteoporosis among the Innu were due to their high protein diet, other studies have shown no such thing.
The work of Drs. Herta Spencer and Lois Kramer conclusively proved that the protein/calcium loss theory to be nonsense. As it turns out, the negative studies on the Eskimo were done, not on Innu following their traditional diet, but among modernized Innu who had adopted modern eating habits and alcohol.
Alcoholism is a major factor in bone loss. Certainly, Dr. Price would have noted that bone loss was a problem if it had been, especially since he was examining teeth which are made of calcium, but he did not. While in Switzerland, Price got permission to dig up skeletal remains of some villagers: the bones were sturdy and strong. There are pictures in Price's book of these bones (and skulls showing mouths of perfect teeth free of decay). Price found no incidence of any major diseases, including heart disease.
This is not to say that native peoples did not have ANY problems for such is certainly not the case. Price learned of native remedies for a host of minor ills such as headaches, colds, wounds, and burns. But as far as degenerative diseases go, he found nothing.
This brings up the other major finding of Dr. Price's research: the effects of a modern diet on native peoples. To this, let us now turn.
[ Part 1, Part 2 ]
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About the Author
Dr. Stephen Byrnes is a nutritionist and naturopathic doctor. His books Overcoming AIDS with Natural Medicine, Digestion to the Max! and Healthy Hearts: Natural Medicine for Your Ticker, are available off of
Order THE Classic of NaturalMedicine for Just $19.95 Now
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
I thoroughly agree with Dr. Brynes excellent commentary on one of the major nutritional pioneers, Dr. Price. It is my understanding that Dr. Price was a dentist around 1900 when processed food was first introduced. He noticed an incredible increase in tooth decay and started his journey around the world to document the association between processed foods and tooth decay.
I am constantly amazed at how powerful a predictor of health the teeth are. When I have a chronically ill patient with a set of teeth with not many cavities I am encouraged that they will likely get well quickly. If, on the other hand, their mouth is full of fillings and root canals, the prognosis is not as good.
However, God gave us incredible healing capacities that can frequently overcome the ravages of many years of abuse to our bodies. It is quite amazing that the need for dentists would likely decrease by over 95% if we ate properly. As Dr. Price discovered native people eating native diets did not get tooth decay.
I have Dr. Price's book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. in my exam room to show patients. The pictures are incredible. The book is relatively inexpensive and is a MUST read if you are interested in natural medicine in the least. You don't even have to read the book, the story is all in the wonderful pictures that he took.
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Tooth Decay May Slow Child's Growth
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Works Cited
Abrams, H. Leon. Vegetarianism: An Anthropological/Nutritional Evaluation, Jnl of Applied Nutrition, 32:2, 1980.
The Preference for Animal Protein and Fat: A Cross-Cultural Survey, Food and Evolution, Marvin Harris and Eric Ross, eds., Temple University Press, 1987.
Diorio, L.P., et al The Separate Effects of Protein and Calorie Malnutrition of the Development and Growth of Rat Bone and Teeth, Jnl of Nutrition 103:856-865, 1973.
Fallon, Sally. Nasty, Brutish, and Short? The Ecologist, Jan/Feb 1999.
Menaker & Navia Jnl of Dental Research, 52:680-687, 1973.
Navia, J. Nutrition, Diet, and Oral Health, Food and Nutrition News, 50:1-4, 1979.
Price, W. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Keats Publishing, 1943.
Spencer & Kramer Factors Contributing to Osteoporosis, Jnl of Nutr, 116:316-319, 1986.
Further Studies of the Effect of a High Protein Diet as Meat on Calcium Metabolism, Amer Jnl Clin Nutr, June 924-929, 1983.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Letter from Serendipity
October 2004
The new Walt Disney Concert Hall, downtown LA
Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby writes...
Don't ever doubt that the Drug Industry and the accompanying medical establishment is a major political corruption factor. They pervert governments and their powers cross borders in a scary and sinister fashion.
I got news recently that dear Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, one of alternative medical science's great thinkers had been arrested in Spain on some charges trumped up years ago in France! Dr Hamer, if you don't know, has identified a clear, unequivocal and healing connection between cancer and major traumatic stress in the previous 3 years. He calls it the 'iron rule of cancer' and I can personally vouch for it, having gone down the same track in the 1960s- 70s.
Do you think the authorities were delighted by his breakthrough? No fear. They decertified him medically and attacked him as a fraud. The Medical Society of Tübingen outright refused to look at his researches, even when the Courts came to Dr Hamer's aid and ordered his attackers to read his evidence (that was 20 years ago and they still haven't done so, or re-instated him).
No matter; he started his own quiet revolution, known in Spain, where he has an army of fans, as "La Medicina Sagrada" (The Sacred Medicine). Then, suddenly, Dr. Hamer was arrested at his home on the morning of Thursday, September 9th and taken to a jail in Madrid where he is being held for extradition to France. This persecution by the French authorities started on February 1st, 2000, when, in Dr. Hamer's absence, he was charged, tried, and found guilty of practising medicine without a licence. The subsequent appeal not only failed; it has resulted in almost doubling his time for incarceration. The French Court of Appeal has condemned Dr. Hamer to three years in a French prison.Dr. Hamer has not set foot in France since 1993 when he attended the funeral of a dear friend, the Count D'Oncieu de la Batie. He was there for a matter of hours and the French authorities have alleged that he saw three patients during that time. These were cancer patients who had all undergone conventional treatments and subsequently died. The authorities are alleging that Dr. Hamer was responsible for their deaths!!!
Dr Hamer is now 69 years old and doubts he would survive 3 years in a French jail. It makes you want to SCREAM, the injustice, the perversion, the evil! But his appeal failed and he was sent to France to serve his term.
It's full of the science behind alternative medicine, energy healing, esoteric events and more.
The CD offers so much more than a book: graphics, web pages, extra documentary evidence, portraits of personalities and more.
read more, click on the image (right)...

AIDS The most controversial story you've never heard!
Millions are said to be dying of AIDS in Africa and $billions are demanded for research. Yet the HIV virus is a scientific fraud and has never been found, the lies and political wrangling continue and "HIV positive" victims continue to die horribly of the drug AZT peddled by Wellcome. The man who claimed to have discovered the virus has been found guilty of scientific fraud and disgraced - though he continues to make $millions out of his dangerous and misleading HIV test.
The so-called HIV test is so meaningless and has so many false positives, YOU could be HIV positive and suffer all the stigma and disaster that entails [The medical literature lists at least 60 different conditions that can register positive on the HIV-test. These conditions include Candida, arthritis, parasites, malaria, liver conditions, alcoholism, drug abuse, flu, herpes, syphilis, other STDs and pregnancy! What kind of test is that?]
For two decades I have had a saying: if you claim you can heal cancer they will ruin you; if you say you can treat AIDS they will destroy you. That's how ugly, greedy and evil this story has become. Get the core scientific facts from this brilliant article by correspondent Liam Scheff:
Alan Yurko is freed!
Maybe you don't know who Alan Yurko is. He was convicted 5 years ago of shaking his baby to death. This appalling tragedy and injustice was caused by the fact that vaccination filth dumped on young baby systems causes such severe neurological damage that it has been adjudged to be violent abuse by the unfortunate parent.
Not only are the drug companies guilty of criminal lies, science fraud and imperilling human lives but they cleverly get this attributed to other causes, effectively shifting blame and (by the way) getting rid of troublesome parents by having them jailed!
Nice industry!
Friday August 27, 2004. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) A judge ordered a new trial Friday for a father convicted five years ago of shaking his 10-week-old son to death, citing problems with the autopsy. Lawson criticized the autopsy conducted by Orange-Osceola Medical Examiner Dr. Shashi Gore, who ruled the child was shaken to death. He also said the fact that the autopsy had many problems was newly-discovered evidence. In February, the state Medical Examiner's Commission barred Gore from performing autopsies after it ruled he had committed at least eight mistakes in Alan Ream-Yurko's autopsy. It was the harshest discipline ever in Florida against a chief medical examiner [not nearly harsh enough. KSM].

OPEN MICROPHONE...Vitamin C Has Impact on HealthEven the old straights are coming round to what we've been saying .
People who take daily doses of Vitamin C can boost their immune system, potentially protecting themselves from viruses and colds, according to a study presented at the 60th Anniversary Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). [these were the dopes who ruthlessly attacked anything alternative KSM, editor] Vitamin C is a nutrient that has been demonstrated to have a substantial impact on human health. Researchers originally proposed that large doses of Vitamin C could decrease the incidence and the severity of the common cold. To determine whether vitamin C can alter the function of the immune system and provide increased protection from viral infection, Susan Ritter, MD, PhD candidate, and Gailen D. Marshall, Jr., MD, PhD, both from the University of Texas Health Science Center, studied the white blood cells of 12 patients before and after each patient took one gram of vitamin C daily for two weeks. Researchers then analyzed the immune cell types present in the blood as well as the ability of these cells to make antiviral compounds. The number of Natural Killer cells (a cell that protects against viruses) in the peripheral blood increased after two weeks of supplementation with Vitamin C. While the number of T cells (also active in antiviral immunity) remained the same, they were more activated following vitamin C supplementation. The T cells also produced significantly more interferon-gamma (an antiviral compound) and less interleukin-4 and interleukin-10 (both of which are associated with allergic disease) after two weeks of supplementation with vitamin C. Researchers concluded that this data suggests an increase in antiviral immunity after two weeks of 1g/day vitamin C supplementation and the possible use of vitamin C to modulate the immune system in people. Of course, Linus Pauling living to a vigorous 90 plus years of age has convinced me that I need more protection than I can get from 1 gram due to the toxic world I live in and the high level of performance I require from my body. Thus, I take at least 4 GM twice daily in my Power Drink as described in great detail on my website. If I am flying around the world I take that dose every 4-6 hours so that I never acquire all the bad viral load found in crowded airplanes. Sincerely,Garry F. Gordon MD, DO, MD(H)President, Gordon Research Institute
Aware of the shocking prices of medicines, some US states (Illinois, North Dakota, Alabama and Vermont for instance) have taken steps to help their citizens to buy cheaper drugs from Canada. The FDA's response, which works for the drug industry and not the citizens as it is supposed to, was to slag off Canadian-supplied medicines and even described them as "dangerous". This is totally absurd, since they are manufactured by the same people as for the US market. For example, most of Pfizer's anti-cholesterol drug Lipitor is made in Ireland. And it's the same Lipitor that's sold in both U.S. and Canadian pharmacies.
The United States is the only industrialized country without some form of control on the prices of drugs. As a result, medicines sold in the USA are generally about double the cost of any other country. Someone, somewhere, is making a huge additional profit, at the expense of the consumer. In fact the U.S. accounts for more than half of the industry's profits. They are milking the nation, like a cash cow. In order to keep those profits up, the drug companies have joined the FDA in trying to shut down imports from Canada, and Canadian pharmacies are feeling the pressure.
So what would motivate the FDA, which is not in the business of profiting from drugs, to put out an alarm about Canadian drugs? I don't know. But I DO know that former FDA commissioner Dr. Mark McClellan, who personally attacked the safety of Canadian-supplied medicines from his government office, is now head of Medicare and Medicaid!! Well, what a surprise.
In the new Medicare Act, signed and made law by George W. Bush, the federal government is specifically prohibited from negotiating prices with drug companies. That is unconscionable.
"The government of the United States negotiates prices in the Defense Department, in every area of government," says Republican Congressman Dan Burton of Indiana. "And here we are, going to spend billions and billions and billions and probably trillions of dollars on pharmaceutical products. And we cannot negotiate the prices with the pharmaceutical industry. That's just not right."
No, it's money talking; not democratic government.
Since 1999, the drug industry has given more than 45 million dollars in political contributions, and it's spent hundreds of millions more on an army of more than 600 lobbyists to work its will on Capitol Hill. Since 1999, these legislators have accepted more than a million and a half dollars in campaign contributions from people working in the pharmaceutical industry. President Bush alone has received more than half a million dollars.
Read the whole disgusting expose in a recent book "The Truth About the Drug Companies." by Dr. Marcia Angell, who was executive editor of The New England Journal of Medicine for 11 years. Isn't it interesting that she is free to tell the truth, now no longer editor of that corrupt industry rag?
Sleepiness and SBD
In the past several years, medical research has shown a strong relationship between sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is a general term for breathing problems that happen during sleep. The various kinds of SDB share two kinds of breathing "events": apneas and hypopneas.apnea: a stop in breathing that lasts ten seconds or longer; a medical term from the greek a-, without, + pnea, breathing = without breathing. hypopnea: a 50% or greater decrease in breathing that lasts ten seconds or longer; a medical term from the greek hypo-, under, + pnea, breathing = under-breathing.
Results from the Sleep Heart Health Study (an ongoing, multi-center study funded by the National Institutes of Health) have shown an association between SDB and high blood pressure (hypertension), congestive heart failure (CHF), and stroke. In addition, results from the Wisconsin Cohort Study have shown that people with SDB are more likely to develop high blood pressure.
To improve your sleep, if you suffer SBD, don't use medication. Changing your thought patterns about sleep is far more effective and lasts longer than pills.
LEARNING TO FLY (Finally Loving Yourself)(tip from our correspondent Shivani Arjuna)
Fly Lady is a great website that exists to help folks reclaim their lives from their clutter. When you sign up you will get several daily messages (what, more clutter?) In fact most of them are repeated items to remind the totally buried sufferers to do certain routines at certain times of day, and the rest are really neat (ah so) ideas for decluttering, or testimonials from "Fly Babies" who are truly charged up about the changes in their lives that decluttering is bringing.
If you suffer from CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) check out the Fly Lady.
This clutter has a life of its own and as it grows it is slowly stealing yours. None of us are ever going to find any peace as long as we allow this clutter machine to play havoc on our happy little homes. We have all tried to organize our clutter! It doesn't work. You can't clean and have effective routines with clutter standing in your way. Let go of this and find your happiness. Yes, it is hard to let go of your stinking thinking to release items that you might use someday, but your home is not a junk yard, quit treating it as if it is a place to hold on to every single item you have or your parents have owned in your life. It is not true that the person who dies with the most stuff wins. The only truth in this sentence if you turn it around is that the stuff is going to kill you!
You are never going to FLY unless you let go and start to FLING! Get the life-sucking machine out of your home once and for all. Let's face it; we can never recover all the money we have spent on the stuff. It is lost forever. Get over it, forgive yourself for the spending and let this stuff bless someone else for a change instead of draining your life from you. The best part is that you are blessing yourself more by letting it go so you can find the peace you deserve.
The #1 thing shared by those who send in testimonials is how much peace they are experiencing as a result of decluttering. The accounts of how familial relationships are improved are also moving and inspiring. Ah, Feng Sui by any other name would smell as sweet...
Know a chronic clutterbug? Mention the Fly Lady to them.

Told to eat fish. Good for the brain, Grandma said, right? Dead right.
A recent study revealed that omega-3 fatty acids, a type of unsaturated fat, may help protect the brain against plaques that are associated with cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.
Unfortunately, omega-3s in our diet are "squeezed" by overwhelming quantities of omega-6s present in the typical manufactured foods (junk). To balance up and get your daily helping of omega-3s, try these sources: walnuts, salmon, flaxseeds, and soy nuts. Supplements: "Eskimo" or fish oil capsules; flaxseed (linseed) oil capsules. The very best source? Grass fed beef, as you can read on my website:
It's a handy quick tutorial.
"All men dream, but not all equally. Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake to find it was all vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous, for they may act their dreams with open eyes and make things happen."
It's from T E Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia"), The Seven Pillars of Wisdom; great soldier but a colossal bore as a writer! However I like this quote.

Did you know Sri Lanka was once known as Serendib and gave us the word "serendipity" for happiness and lucky chance? It's that kind of place!Dr Scott-Mumby lived and worked in Sri Lanka when he first produced "Letter from Serendipity"! He now lives in Los Angeles.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

# 31 Toxic to Dogs Alert

Health > Ask the Expert > Dr.Weil > All Q&A's > 2004 > October > dog food
Alternative Medicine

October 25, 2004 Toxic Foods for Dogs? Provided by

Q: Is it true that chocolate is deadly for dogs and that grapes and raisins can make dogs sick? -- Jon R. A: Chocolate can be deadly for certain dogs, but the size and breed of the dog and the amount of chocolate consumed determine how sick a pooch can get. Grapes and raisins are a different story - very small amounts can lead to kidney failure in some dogs.
Chocolate contains theobromine, a drug that is in the same family as caffeine and theophylline (found in tea). Some dogs are very sensitive to it.
So far, however, vets haven't been able to determine what it is about grapes and raisins that make them so dangerous. They've looked at the chemistry of grapes and raisins and at possible residues of pesticides, heavy metals, fertilizers, and other chemicals that may have been used in cultivation, but no chemical culprit has emerged.
As far as chocolate is concerned, you don't have much to worry about if your pet snags a piece of candy. Toxic reactions generally don't develop unless a dog ingests 100-150 milligrams of theobromine per kilogram of its weight. That would average out to about an ounce of chocolate per pound of body weight for milk chocolate. Semisweet and Baker's chocolate contain more theobromine so the rule here is one ounce per three pounds of body weight for semisweet chocolate and one ounce per nine pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.
Symptoms of chocolate toxicity in dogs include hyper-excitability, hyper- irritability, increased heart rate, restlessness, increased urination, muscle tremors, vomiting, and diarrhea. There is no specific antidote, but if you believe your dog has eaten too much chocolate, take him to the vet as soon as possible for treatment of the specific symptoms. Just to keep things in perspective, I might mention that my daughter's Welsh Corgi once consumed seven chocolate oranges in a raid on a Christmas stash in a closet; she had nothing worse than diarrhea for a few days.
In 1989 the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) began tracking a trend which showed that dogs who ate grapes and raisins developed kidney failure. The type of grapes or brand of raisins doesn't matter. Neither do the amounts the dogs ate: these can vary from more than a pound of grapes to as little as a single serving of raisins.
After eating grapes and raisins, dogs typically vomit within a few hours and then stop eating and develop diarrhea. Then they become quiet and lethargic, and show signs of abdominal pain. These symptoms can last several days -- sometimes even weeks. Blood tests can reveal changes in kidney function so if you know or suspect that your dog has eaten either grapes or raisins, get him to the vet immediately. Treatment can save his life.
Andrew Weil, M.D.Last Reviewed: October 2004

# 30 No Hemp Highs

Health > Ask the Expert > Dr.Weil > Dr.Weil
Alternative Medicine

October 29, 2004 Can You Get High on Hemp Seeds? Provided by

Q: If I eat foods containing hemp will I test positive for drugs? -- J. Polk A: Even if you ate nothing but foods containing hemp, you wouldn't test positive for drugs. Hemp foods do contain trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the substance in marijuana that is responsible for the "high" you can get by using the drug. But the minuscule amounts of THC in hemp seeds or the bread, cereals, granola bars, beer and other products made from them will not alter drug tests.
This issue was hotly debated in a recent court case. The manufacturers of hemp foods fought a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) rule banning the use of hemp seed or oil containing traces of THC in any foods. In February of 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the DEA rule and held that hemp seeds and oil used in foods couldn't be defined as drugs.
The decision was a victory for consumers because healthy hemp foods may now become more widely available. Many retailers had been reluctant to carry hemp food products as long as the legal case was undecided. Hemp seeds and oil are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber. They also provide vitamin E. Look for more hemp foods in the market now that the court case has been resolved.
I recommend eating whole hemp seeds as a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. They're delicious and very easy to prepare. Just pour half a cup of them into a dry skillet placed over medium-high heat and stir them around until they begin to toast and pop. At that point, turn off the heat, stir in a teaspoon of olive oil and then season with salt and pepper or a little soy sauce, red pepper, garlic powder or herbs and eat them as a snack. Prepare only as much as you can eat since the cooked seeds don't keep well.
Andrew Weil, M.D.Last Reviewed: October 2004

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

# 29 Good Health Info Source

Wide range of very good information on health ,
food , and baby nutrition.
Be prepared to have many prior nutrional beliefs shattered.
Good info on baby formula concerns.
This was one of my favorite sources
BEFORE the internet, and still is with the net.


Have been watching the information on what is called the AMAS cancer test, for a few years. Seems as though this test is the most reliable todate, cancer test available. At a 99% reliability factor , and if true , is a good test. If one needs peace of mind, this $135.00 AMAS test should do it.You may need to educate your doctor on this one. Medicare will I understand pay for this test, so that means it's on an "approved" list some where, that a regular doctor can access.

For more details go to the listed website.

Monday, September 06, 2004


Strange , but true, is the fact that I was checking out things of this nature, as a national service manager, working for a large coffee company . These nasty microorganisms showed up in cities and states, in places where none had ever been seen or reported previously. Things of this nature forced me to go into some sharp learning curves, involving many hours of intense study, and the contacting of numerous city, state and federal agencies. Nasties of this type, and even the more deadly types can now show-up any place in the world, in less than twenty four hours. Now dont panic, just be aware that things like this can and do happen. IE: FLU bugs of all types, SARS, AIDS, EBOLA etc. Is the why of my interests in Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano, Honegar , and Super Tonic , to name a few.

The Talker

Giardia Lamblia
Giardia lamblia is a protozoan flagellate that causes the disease Giardiasis. In Europe, the organism is sometimes called Lamblia intestinalis. At one time, the infection was known as "beaver fever" because it was thought that only the beaver harbored the cyst.
Because of its teardrop shape and two nuclei, the organism has a distinct appearance under a microscope, resembling a human face looking back at you. It also has four flagella for locomotion, and exists in both the trophozoite and cyst stages. Giardia is a tiny organism but only one cyst is enough to cause disease. About 8,000 trophozoites can fit on the head of a pin. They are not all killed with chlorination, but can be with iodine-based solutions. Boiling also kills them, but the water must be a rolling boil for at least ten minutes at sea level. At higher elevations, boiling requires and additional five minutes. Understandably, there is not much left of the water after that length of time. Filtering is the most reliable means, but not all filters are created equal. The filter size cannot be greater than three microns, and it must state that giardia will be filtered out.
Washing vegetables and fruits must also be taken into account when using tap water. The cyst is able to exist for long periods outside the body, remaining on such inanimate objects as toys, and regaining entrance to a human body through the oral route.
Since many children do not readily show symptoms of any illness, they unwittingly spread the disease. More often than not, infection is spread when the cysts lodge under fingernails after a diaper change.
In this manner, infection can easily be passed from one infant to another in day care centers, or from one person to another in homes. In some day care centers, more than 90% of the children were infected. The infection rate is increasing so rapidly that it may now be the most frequently found parasite. Since giardia cysts are resistant to stomach acid destruction, it passes on through to the intestines. There, it reverts to the trophozoite stage and multiplies by dividing (just a little mathematical humor!).
Incubation is five to twenty-five days, with most feeling sick within a week. The trophozoites adhere only to the upper small intestine, and do not spread to other parts of the body. By adhering to this part of the intestine, its numbers prevent the digestion and assimilation of foods, causing gastroenteritis. Another result of such interference is with the absorption of fats, causing them to be eliminated in the feces.
This may sound like a wonderful idea for dieting, but instead, it is destructive. Fat soluble nutrients are then unable to be assimilated because the fats are unable to help carry them into the system. Therefore, deficiencies soon develop. Damage to the intestinal villi can persist long after the infection is controlled. Problems with chronic iron deficiency, anemia, vitamins A and B12 deficiencies, low serum calcium, lack of folic acid, fat malabsorption, and lactose intolerance occur with prolonged infections. Infectiousness can last a year or as long as the cysts are excreted. The expelled cysts can remain infectious in a moist environment for several months.
Signs of giardia infection include the following: gastroenteritis and diarrhea that produce dark, greasy, foul-smelling stools; bloating; nausea; weight loss; and abdominal cramping. Chills, low-grade fever, belching, and a headache may also be present, along with considerable amounts of discomfort and flatulence. After an acute episode, symptoms will diminish, leaving intermittent diarrhea and constipation, abdominal distention, and a persistent foul-smelling gas. The giardia can sometimes attach to the bile ducts of the liver, creating symptoms mimicking gall bladder disease. In addition, it is one of the many microscopic organisms that can affect behavior, as well as physical, function. Chronic fatigue and depression are symptomatic of long-standing giardiasis.
In small children and the elderly, severe dehydration caused by diarrhea and vomiting can be fatal. It can also be misdiagnosed as celiac disease or failure to thrive syndrome.
Symptoms can last for two to three weeks, with gradual improvement. The infection can become chronic, however, with intermittent bouts of diarrhea, accompanied by anorexia, weight loss, and nausea. With or without treatment, the organism is difficult to eliminate. Individuals most at risk are those with type A blood, who lack sufficient hydrochloric acid, or who have a history combating Candida albicans.
Almost 50% of those infected will have a sugar intolerance, especially to lactose and sucrose. Children diagnosed with celiac disease or ADD may be infected with this parasite, and, by treating them for it, all the other symptoms disappear, in most cases. It is the most common intestinal protozoal infection in the US, with municipal water often the source of infection. Outbreaks of giardiasis are doubling every five years, having infected at least eighteen million people in the US alone.
Because of the number of ignored or misdiagnosed cases
(giardiasis often being diagnosed as irritable bowel or chronic fatigue syndrome), many researchers feel that the actual number of giardiasis cases is astronomical. Other estimates are that 90% of the documented cases of water-borne giardia come from surface water contaminated by animal feces.
Divers often become infected with giardia as well as Entamoeba histolytica.

# 26 Crypto What ?

Cryptosporidium is a protozoan that causes the disease
known as Cryptosporidiosis, a type of diarrhea that plagues
both humans and animals. Cryptosporidium has long been
recognized as a cause of intestinal disease in cattle and sheep,
but not in humans until 1976, and has been found in over
85% of the water supplies in the US since then. The species,
Cryptosporidium parvum, is the cause of many outbreaks in
the water supply of affluent nations, and only has been
considered a health risk since 1993, when Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, had numerous cases of diarrhea traced to
contamination in the city's water supply.
The microorganism is about 1/16th the size of a dust particle
that floats in the air. It takes only ten organisms to cause an
infection; and each generation can develop and mature in as
little as twelve to fourteen hours. Huge numbers can colonize
in the intestinal tract in just a few days. Therefore, it takes
special filtering to remove them from the drinking supply
since they are not killed by routine chlorination of water.
However, boiling can kill them. Boiling water for one minute
will kill most water-born pathogens, including hepatitis A.
In an altitude of more than 6,500 feet, the water should be
boiled for at least three minutes. Within the intestinal cells,
the parasite goes through all the stages of its life cycle,
producing worms, called oocysts, which pass out of the
body in the feces. Oocysts can survive outside the body
for long periods of time, eventually finding their way back
into drinking water and food.
Cryptosporidium muris is also transmitted via
contaminated water supplies from farm animal waste.
As with other Cryptosporidium species, it is most often
found in day-care centers, where infection is directly
related to improper washing after diaper changes.
In healthy patients, infection is usually mild and of a
short duration, but in the immunocompromised,
illness can be more acute and severe.
Symptoms include the following: abdominal discomfort,
weight loss, fever, and nausea causing severe dehydration
and electrolyte imbalances.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

# 25 What Is A Healing Crisis?

What is a healing crisis?
A healing crisis is the opposite of a dis-ease crisis yet in many ways feels the same, and symptoms are often similar. It's very important to make the distinction between the symptoms of dis-ease process and those of the healing process. Healing crisis usually occurs after a period of increased well-being, and may last a few days. Each healing crisis releases physical problems from the past. When a healing crisis comes, do not attempt to stop it! This confuses most people because, "If I feel sick, I must be sick," when in actuality, the discomfort of the healing crisis is an indication of your own body working to heal itself, from the inside, out. The fastest, easiest and most effective method to promote healing is to detoxify the tissue. Colon cleansing is an all important step in this process. A cleansing program ultimately leads to the beneficial and important healing crisis, which manifests as the recurrence of old physical problems, such as a runny nose, flu-like symptoms, and fever which occurs to burn out toxic waste. The ills that were once suppressed by drugs are now released. As one continues a healthful pattern of living through good nutritional practice (the science of food combining known as Trophology), one may experience several healing crises, each time releasing past problems. This is a sure sign that the right path has been taken and that the body has gained the strength to heal itself naturally. Our body does its best with what we give it, therefore, we must learn to work with nature and not against it. Typically, as a condition proceeds toward the chronic stage, the allopathic approach calls for powerful drugs to suppress symptoms. To begin the reversal path and get back to a higher level of health, we must retrace the path back, from illness back to wellness. To bring about a reversal, and a healing, we must understand that suppression is the wrong way to go. Rejuvenation cannot be accomplished by using drugs or suppressing symptoms. Elimination of toxic material must be assisted rather than repressed. "There is a tremendous need to make a distinction between the symptoms of a disease process and those of the healing process." Dr. Bernard Jensen states , Herings Law of Cure explains the distinct differences between the development of the disease process and the healing process. There are differences between the symptoms manifested by disease from the symptoms of healing a disease. Herings Law of Cure states, "All cure comes from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared in the body." As we adopt right eating and living habits, our body reacts to these new behaviors. The state of health will retrace backward via the same path that led us to disease in the first place. By working toward a healing crisis you can activate the location of chronic settlements and toxins that create weakness in the body. When the old waste matter is activated, or stirred up, it returns to the bloodstream and begins the process of being eliminated from the body. It isn't pleasant to experience, but necessary for healing to occur. As the toxins become free flowing, they work their way out through the eliminative channels and orifices of the body. Don't settle for short term suppression, reach for long term tissue rejuvenation through bowel cleansing. Toxins can be eliminated by colon cleansing and good nutrition, which is a more natural wholistic approach to make us whole again. Dr. Bernard Jensen sums it up well by stressing that what's important for elevating your good health is not the cleansing program, but the nurturing and healing of body and soul that takes place after the cleanse. He said, "As you have built up conditions in the body through foods, pollution, overwork, enervation, lifestyle, etc., we have to learn our lesson and go back over them and relive them, so to speak. You can expect all of those problems to return as you get well."


- Microbe Can Survive at 266 Degrees Microbe Can Survive at 266 Degrees
Thu Aug 14, 2:01 PM ETAdd Science - AP to My Yahoo!
By PAUL RECER, AP Science Writer WASHINGTON - Some may like it hot, but nothing likes it hotter than a weird microbe known as Strain 121. The one-celled organism, captured from a magma vent at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, can survive 266 degrees, a temperature no other known life form can tolerate.

The as-yet-unnamed microbe was able to reproduce and grow vigorously at about 250 degrees, the typical temperature used in autoclaves to sterilize medical instruments, said Derek R. Lovley, a University of Massachusetts microbiologist who was the senior author of a study appearing Friday in the journal Science. "It has been the dogma in microbiology for 120 years that that temperature would kill any living organism," Lovley said. But not Strain 121. In laboratory experiments, Lovley and his co-author, Kazem Kashefi, subjected Strain 121 to higher and higher temperatures and it survived each test. "We just kept increasing the temperature and it kept living," he said. "Finally, we put it into the autoclave which was supposed to kill everything, but when we pulled it out it was still alive and, in fact, had grown. It amazed us." Previously, the most heat tolerant organism known was Pyrolobus fumarii, a microbe recovered in 1997 from a thermal pool in Italy. Lovley said Pyrolobus fumarii stops growing at a temperature of 235 degrees and is killed after one hour in an autoclave at 250 degrees.
Strain 121, however, seems to enjoy the torrid temperatures inside an autoclave. In 24 hours at 250 degrees, the microbe not only lived, but doubled in number. When the temperature was raised to 266 degrees, Strain 121 stopped growing, but it did survive. When the superheated specimen was cooled down to a mere 217 degrees, still above the boiling of water, the microbe was alive and able to grow. "It will survive that high temperature (266 degrees) but it will not multiply, at least that we could detect," Lovley said. Both Strain 121 and Pyrolobus fumarii are members of the unusual life domain known as Archaea. Living organisms are divided in three domains, based on their genetic makeup and cell structure. People, plants and animals are in the Eukaryotic domain, and most germs are in the Eubacteria domain. The third domain, Archaea, are microorganisms that generally live in extreme conditions of heat, cold, pressures or acidity and have a DNA structure unlike the other two. Strain 121 was found in samples taken from the stream of water and chemicals spewing from a natural chimney, or smoking vent, in the Juan de Fuca Ridge off the northwest coast of the United States. These chimneys, in about 1 1/2 miles of water, are built up on the ocean floor by superheated water ejected through vents from magma chambers below. They spew water heated to more than 300 degrees, along with dissolved minerals such as sulfur and iron. Lovley said Strain 121 uses iron oxide in the vent streams to metabolize organic molecules. In effect, he said the microbe uses iron in the same way that surface-dwelling organisms use oxygen. The very earliest forms of life on Earth, he said, could have been like Strain 121, tolerating high temperatures and using iron for metabolism. Lovley said early in the Earth's history, the planet was iron-rich and oxygen poor, so it is logical that early forms of life could have lived as Strain 121 does now at the bottom of the ocean. Finding a microbe that can withstand such high temperatures and pressures also increases the hope that there may be life on other planets in the solar system or elsewhere in the universe, Lovley said. "Raising the temperature of life increases that window where you could expect to find some other life form," he said. Jan Amend, a Washington University in St. Louis microbial geochemist who is not part of Lovley's team, said the discovery is important because it strengthens the case that early Earth life was sustained using ferric iron instead of oxygen. He said it also improves the prospects of finding life beyond the Earth. "Any time you have organisms that live at higher temperatures or at higher pressures, that expands the limits of possibility that there might be life elsewhere in our solar system or beyond," said Amend.
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Infectious Bacteria in Milk Survives Pasteurization

Scientists presented a disturbing finding regarding the milk we drink --
it is contaminated with anorganism that may cause Crohn's disease.
These findings were confirmed through the testing of 702 samples from California, Minnesota andWisconsin, three of the biggest milk-producing states. It was discovered that at least 2.8 percentof the samples tested carried a dangerous organism called mycobacterium avium Paratuberculosis (MAP) that was both active and had the ability of multiplying.
It has been known that MAP causes Johne's disease among the cattle and sheep population. The continual rise of Johne's has become a concern among the dairy producers because of the way it wreaks havoc upon the bodies of the animals. MAP damages the animal's systems by triggering chronic inflammation of their intestines then spreading rampant throughout their bodies leaving them with a deteriorating disease and no practical cure.

Facts on Crohn's Disease

Chronic inflammatory is defined as a disease of the intestine that initiates a wasting reaction in people's bodies Crohn's disease afflicts over half a million Americans Approximately 20,000 Americans, particularly young people, are diagnosed with Crohn's disease each year Experts have noted a clear relationship between MAP and Crohn's disease. This could be seen from the tests that revealed nearly all of the people affected by Crohn's disease had also been affected with the MAP infection.
Despite the milk industry's awareness of this dangerous connection, they have decided to create clever marketing campaigns targeting children instead of investing time into finding out how to rectify the problem. The milk industry and the FDA argued that the milk was safe because it went through a pasteurization process, which they claimed killed off any dangerous bacterias such as the MAP infection.
Members of a research association that supports Crohn's patients have continued to push for removal of MAP from all dairy products and are waiting to see what the FDA will do next to address the problem.
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
So not only does pasteurization kill the beneficial bacteria available in the milk, but it leaves a potentially harmful organism alive and well. The evidence for drinking healthful raw milk is well documented, and I suspect it is only a matter of time before the many reasons not to drink pasteurized milk become public.
The solution to this contaminated milk dilemma -- drink raw milk.
Raw milk is actually one of the more profound healing agents in inflammatory bowel disease. Rather than causing it, raw milk causes the disease to go into remission.
Dangerous Grains are one of the main contributors to the development of Crohn's disease. There is fairly strong Paleolithic evidence that 10,000 years ago most humans did not consume many grains. They were hunter-gatherers who subsisted mostly on vegetables and meats. Ten thousand years is a mere blip in a biological sense for humans -- over 99 percent of our genetic make-up was in place, in fact, before we ever started consuming grains.
When considered from this perspective alone, it is not too surprising that grains can cause a wide array of health issues. Contemporary humans have not suddenly evolved mechanisms to incorporate the high carbohydrates from starch- and sugar-rich foods into their diets. You can find out more about the dangers of grains in my new book.
For those with Crohn's disease or IBS, coconut oil would be an extremely beneficial addition to your diet.
The anti-inflammatory and healing effects of coconut oil have been shown to play a role in soothing inflammation and healing injury in the digestive tract. Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties that promote intestinal health by killing troublesome microorganisms that may cause chronic inflammation.
Related Articles:
Don't Drink Your Milk!
Pasteurized Milk and its Link to Autism, Part I
Autism and Malnutrition: The Milk Connection
More Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Drink Pasteurized Milk
Soy Milk Is Safe! That Is What the Formula Industry Says
The Mystery in Your Milk
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------©Copyright 2004 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

# 23 Castor Oil Pack Usage

Rather than do a whole bunch of typing and error checking I've used the write-up from the company I buy from.
Have used one time or another , castor oil packs over a period of forty years. Has spared me numerous doctor bills. I've also bought castor oil locally and have used cut up wool socks and cotton shirts in doing these castor oil packs. Just be sure to put some plastic or Saran wrap over the pack. It is very difficult to clean up castor oil stains. In between usages I store my items in a plastic bag. When its time for fresh cloths , just throw out the old ones. So if you have a hurt , give the castor oil packs a try. Again , there is much more involved here than is being stated, I do it this way to spare you the long write-ups.

Castor Oil Packs

How To Use Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs
Edited by Bruce Baar, MS, ND (candidate)
Castor Oil has been used through out the ages as a natural therapy. Castor oil applied externally in the form of "packs" is very popular with natural health practitioners. The Edgar Cayce Readings inform us that castor oil packs are to be used to improve assimilations, eliminations and circulation; especially of the lymphatic system. A castor oil pack is made from several layers of flannel like material, enough to absorb and hold the castor oil during application. The flannel material is wool, cotton or the newly designed disposable pack, each of which you will need to saturate with cold-pressed castor oil before using. A common area to apply the castor oil pack is on the right side of the abdomen, between the upper part of the rib cage and the upper edge of the hipbone. Another common area is across the abdomen from the right to the left side of the body, covering from the sternum to the pubic or groin area. Application is usually for 1 to 2 hours. A heating pad is placed on top of the castor oil pack to keep it very warm during application. It is best to consult your health care practitioner to determine frequency of application. applications. You can use the same castor oil pack for additional applications. It is important to discard the pack after a certain number of uses or when it becomes rancid. It may be helpful to store the pack in a plastic storage container and refrigerate between uses. The wool and cotton flannel packs can be used for approximately 25-30 applications before they are to be discarded. The new inexpensive disposable packs can be used for about 10 uses before discarding. Here is a picture of a castor oil pack used too long and left in a hot room for many months. Before you begin, you will need to choose either the Wool Flannel (#757), Cotton Flannel (#759) or the Disposable Flannel (#755) Pack. Using either the wool flannel or cotton flannel is a personal choice. Some individuals are sensitive to wool. The Disposable Flannel Pack consists of flannel-like material which is absorbent on one side and is coated with plastic on the other side to protect the heating pad. This disposable flannel is also used to protect the area you are resting on. When used in this manner it replaces the old method of placing a plastic bag and towel underneath you as a protective cover. Cold-pressed Castor Oil is available in an 8 oz. (#753), pint (#752), quart (#751) or gallon (#750) size. Most individuals start with either a pint or a quart. Frequent users usually purchase by the gallon. Small amounts of Castor Oil should be added to the pack before each use to refresh it. If your choice is to use the Cotton Flannel (#759) or Wool Flannel (#757) Pack, consider purchasing several Disposable Flannel Packs (#759) for bed or sheet cover protection. The plastic side of the Disposable Flannel Pack will prevent castor oil from soiling your linens or sheets. An electric heating pad is needed to heat the castor oil pack. There are units that will automatically turn itself off in one to two hours and there are units that stay on. Choose the one that fits your needs. Directions for Using the Castor Oil Packs Place a Disposable Pack (#755) with the green plastic side down on your bed for protection against the castor oil soiling. Place the heating pad on top of this protective pack and turn it on to a medium or high setting. If the pack that you are using for application is a Wool Flannel or Cotton Flannel material, then protect your heating pad by placing plastic wrap on top of the heating pad. Next, fold the wool or cotton flannel into 3 layers and place it on top of the plastic wrap. Add castor oil to the flannel. The castor oil should be added to saturate all three layers of flannel, but not so much that it drips from the pack. If using the Disposable Flannel Pack for application, add the castor in a circle in the middle of the absorbent white material, using the green side against the heating pad in place of the plastic wrap. Wait about 5 to 10 minutes for the oil to become warm. When you are ready to begin, flip the castor oil pack and heating pad on to your abdominal area and relax. General application time is between 1-2 hours. After your session, clean the oil from your body with CastorWash #769. Many people store the castor oil pack in a plastic storage container between uses. Be sure to keep the pack out of the sun and in a cool dark place. After 3 days of using the castor oil pack take about 1 teaspoon of olive oil (NOT castor oil) by mouth. Taken usually in the evening before retiring. Always seek medical advice prior to use. Do NOT use during pregnancy or during menstrual flow.
These products can be purchased from the manufacturer at 610-873-4591 (USA)

©Copyright, Baar Products, Inc, all rights reserved

# 22 Health Joke

In the beginning God created the heavens
and the Earth.
And the Earth was without form, and void,
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And Satan said, "It doesn't get any better than this!
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
And God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit," and God saw that it was good.
And Satan said, "There goes the neighborhood."
Then God created humans in his own image; male and female created he them.
And God looked upon Man and Woman and saw that they were lean and fit.
And Satan said, "I know how I can get back in this game."
And God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower
and spinach, green and yellow vegetables of all kinds,
so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.
And Satan created McDonald's.
And McDonald's brought forth the 99-cent double cheeseburger.
And Satan said to Man, "You want fries with that?"
And Man said, "Supersize them." And Man gained 5 pounds.
And God created the healthful yogurt, that woman might keep her
figure that man found so fair. And Satan brought forth chocolate.
And Woman gained 5 pounds. And God said, "Try my crispy fresh salad."
And Satan brought forth Ben and Jerry's. And Woman gained 10 pounds.
And God said, "I have sent thee heart-healthy vegetables
and olive oil with which to cook them."
And Satan brought forth chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter.
And Man gained 10 pounds and his bad cholesterol went through the roof.
And God brought forth running shoes
and Man resolved to lose those extra pounds.
And Satan brought forth cable TV with remote control
so Man would not have to toil to change channels between ESPN and ESPN2.
And Man gained another 20 pounds.
And God said, "You're running up the score, Devil."
And God brought forth the potato, a vegetable naturally low in fat
and brimming with nutrition.
And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips
and deep-fat fried them. And he created sour cream dip also.
And Man clutched his remote control
and ate the potato chips swaddled in cholesterol.
And Satan saw and said, "It is good." And Man went into cardiac arrest.
And God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.
And Satan smiled and created HMO's

Thursday, September 02, 2004

# 21 While Americans Slept

Dear Reader,
Two years ago Dr. Wright warned us about Codex Alimentarius -- an international "food standardization" program -- and how one part of it in particular, called the European Union Directive on Dietary Supplements, could effectively wipe out the availability of natural products in this country. That warning is fast becoming a reality -- and time is running out to put a stop to the impending loss of health freedom we are all facing.
If the EU adopts this directive, the U.S. essentially will have to as well, since we are members of the World Trade Organization. Not that this country always abides by its pacts and treaties with other countries. But when it conveniently handles an item already on the Feds' agenda, honoring an international treaty suddenly becomes much more important.
The FDA is more likely to view the EU directive as an answer to their prayers than something to question and resist. In fact, for them, it's a convenient backdoor way to change this country's laws regarding the availability of vitamins and supplements without having to take any of the heat.
The EU Directive is especially convenient for the FDA since this challenge to natural health products is coming at a time when hostilities between the makers of natural supplements and the U.S. government are at an all-time high. We've told you all about the various bans on natural products such as red yeast rice and ephedra. And that's just the tip of the iceberg: There is also a systematic move towards shutting down the makers of natural supplements as well.
Consider the case of Lane Labs, an innovative company that formulated some natural products currently being studied by the National Cancer Institute. Of course, natural products that might be effective against cancer present a serious threat to the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry, so they're seeking nothing less than annihilation of competitors like Lane Labs. And the U.S. government seems all-too-eager to help.
In their first judgment against Lane Labs four years ago, the government levied a million-dollar fine against the company for making false marketing claims. Mind you, there were no customer complaints, and none of these products were deemed harmful or ineffective. The company continued to sell the products and fight the suit, so the government changed their tactics. In a crushing blow delivered six weeks ago, a judge ordered that all of the products in question be destroyed and that Lane Labs refund the money they collected from all purchased products since September of 1999.
The battle lines keep changing -- and more and more natural products are being lost as each of these battles are waged.
It's up to people like you and me -- who know the value of having access to vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements -- to fight for our right to keep ourselves healthy naturally.
Start by contacting your state and local representatives and letting them know that you are aware of this threat and exactly where you stand on the issue.
While Americans Slept
by A. Ofria
When it comes to international affairs, we Americans tend to sit back and let our leaders do the talking. It is not that we don't care, but the issues are confusing and it is easier to trust that our government knows best. So most of us were silent when multinational corporations began taking over global markets and talk of “globalization and harmonization” replaced calls for “global harmony.” We assumed that our government was protecting us.
Now we must question whether our leaders' actions were in our best interest. Was it for our good that they signed Mutual Recognition Agreements as part of GATT and NAFTA, giving up our right to refuse to “harmonize” with intrusive international standards? Will their decisions cost us access to vitamins, even though the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994 was supposed to secure our right forever? How did they let supplements become a global issue and why did un-elected U.S.bureaucrats signal to the world that Americans were willing to “harmonize” U.S. supplement laws to conform to restrictive international standards?
Our problem began years ago when the U.N. authorized the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization to develop a universal food code, “Codex Alimentarius.” The Codex Commission came under the influence of the pharmaceutical cartel and instead of focusing on food safety, it used its power to promote worldwide restrictions on vitamins. Meanwhile our U.S. Codex Delegation not only stood by, but made matters worse. In Bonn in 1996, for instance, Dr. Yetley of our FDA illegally seconded a motion to shift deliberations on herbs out of Codex, where at least they were considered foods (consistent with US law), to a secret panel at WHO that treats herbs as drugs, leaving them open to “prescription only” status.
Now multinational interests are pressuring our federal agencies to impose “Upper Limits” on vitamins. If our government succumbs and sets these arbitrary safety standards, we will lose our right to opt out of Codex because we will have in effect agreed that this is a safety issue.
Codex cannot control us directly. Statute 19USC 3512 safeguards our domestic laws from outside interference by stopping anyone from forcing us to conform to standards that conflict with existing U.S. law unless Congress consents. Unfortunately, Codex can circumvent this law because if we refuseto harmonize, the World Trade Organization’s Dispute Settlement Body can impose crippling trade sanctions on numerous industries unrelated to supplements. This immense pressure would force Congress to change our laws. In fact, Congress has already “harmonized” under threat of WTO sanctions and this Achilles Heel is why Rep. Ron Paul introduced the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (HR 1146) to pull us out of the UN.
When we see powerful players forcing our leaders to act in ways that threaten the rights that Americans have historically died to preserve, we must remind them of their duty to safeguard our way of life. If we do not raise our voices above the clamor of multinational commercial interests, we may be silenced forever.
View Codex File
"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an underground dictatorship... To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a republic... The Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."--Dr Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Note: The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. You may not agree with all you read, but this can be a starting place in your quest for information that will change your life.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

# 20 And In This Corner We Have

Sometimes you need someone in your corner.
In the e-Alert "No Buts About It" (8/30/04), I told you about
the experience of a friend of mine who nearly found out the hard
way that doctors may recommend uncomfortable or invasive
medical procedures based on suspect test results.

The lesson:
Always ask for specifics regarding factors that can create false positive or false negative test results.
And now - along the same lines - I have another good tip to pass along.
In an Internet Broadcasting Systems (IBS) article titled "Over-Medication Sickens Seniors," geriatrician Dr. Mary Cohan discusses several problems that I've addressed in previous e- Alerts. For instance, many elderly patients require the care of specialists and end up visiting more than one doctor on a regular basis. When several doctors prescribe different medications, the chances for adverse drug interactions increase, along with the risk of side effects.
And here's the disturbing result of that trend: A recent survey revealed that older patients suffering from side effects or adverse interactions account for 20 percent of all emergency room visits.
A friend of mine named Jan experienced this very situation with her father who had multiple health problems. In deep frustration, Jan and her family wondered why all of the specialists couldn't get on the same page. It slowly dawned on her that the doctors had no motivation to do so; to each of them her father was just one of many patients who required attention for a few brief minutes at a time.
Finally, she and some family members organized and insisted on a joint conference between four different specialists. It was quite difficult to match up their schedules, so the family had to be persistent in scheduling and rescheduling. When the meeting finally took place, two of the doctors realized that some of their prescribed drug therapies needed immediate adjustment. Obviously, her father couldn't have handled this situation on his own. Which brings us to this simple health care tip: Get an advocate.
Many patients - especially those who are elderly or who have multiple health problems - need someone to step forward and coordinate their health care. That advocate doesn't need to be a health care professional, they just need to be diligent in asking hard questions, following up on the answers, and making sure that all of the doctors involved are aware of the entire scope of diagnoses, tests,prescriptions, dietary recommendations, etc.
Never assume that a hospital or a nursing staff or a doctor's office will do any coordinating of the big picture. Patients with complicated health challenges need an advocate to help do that for them.
To Your Good Health,
Jenny Thompson Health Sciences Institute

Sunday, August 29, 2004

# 19 Don't Drink Your Milk

Don't Drink Your Milk!
Processing Is the Problem

The path that transforms healthy milk products into allergens and carcinogens begins with modern feeding methods that substitute high-protein, soy-based feeds for fresh green grass and breeding methods to produce cows with abnormally large pituitary glands so that they produce three times more milk than the old fashioned scrub cow. These cows need antibiotics to keep them well.

Their milk is then pasteurized so that all valuable enzymes are destroyed (lactase for the assimilation of lactose; galactase for the assimilation of galactose; phosphatase for the assimilation of calcium).

Literally dozens of other precious enzymes are destroyed in the pasteurization process. Without them,milk is very difficult to digest. The human pancreas is not always able to produce these enzymes; over-stress of the pancreas can lead to diabetes and other diseases

The butterfat of commercial milk is homogenized, subjecting it to rancidity.
Even worse, butterfat may be removed altogether. Skim milk is sold as a health food, but the truth is that butter-fat is in milk for a reason. Without it the body cannot absorb and utilize the vitamins and minerals in the water fraction of the milk. Along with valuable trace minerals and short chain fatty acids, butterfat is America's best source of preformed vitamin A.
Synthetic vitamin D, known to be toxic to the liver, is added to replace the natural vitamin D complex in butterfat. Butterfat also contains re-arranged acids which have strong anti-carcinogenic properties.

Non-fat dried milk is added to 1% and 2% milk. Unlike the cholesterol in fresh milk, which plays a variety of health promoting roles, the cholesterol in non-fat dried milk is oxidized and it is this rancid cholesterol that promotes heart disease.

Like all spray dried products, non-fat dried milk has a high nitrite content. Non-fat dried milk and sweetened condensed milk are the principle dairy products in third world countries; use of ultra high temperature pasteurized milk is widespread in Europe.

Other Factors Regarding Milk

Milk and refined sugar make two of the largest contributions to food induced ill health in our country. That may seem like an overly harsh statement, but when one examines the evidence, this is a reasonable conclusion.

The recent approval by the FDA of the use of BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) by dairy farmers to increase their milk production only worsens the already sad picture. BGH causes an increase in an insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in the milk of treated cows. IGF-1 survives milk pasteurization and human intestinal digestion. It can be directly absorbed into the human bloodstream, particularly in infants.

It is highly likely that IGF-1 promotes the transformation of human breast cells to cancerous forms. IGF-1 is also a growth factor for already cancerous breast and colon cancer cells, promoting their progression and invasiveness. It is also possible for us to absorb the BGH directly from the milk. This will cause further IGF-1 production by our own cells.
BGH will also decrease the body fat of cows. Unfortunately, the body fat of cows is already contaminated with a wide range of carcinogens, pesticides, dioxin, and antibiotic residues. When the cows have less body fat, these toxic substances are then transported into the cows' milk.
BGH also causes the cows to have an increase in breast infections for which they must receive additional antibiotics. Prior to BGH, 38%of milk sampled nationally was already contaminated by illegal residues of antibiotics and animal drugs. This will only increase with the use of BGH. One can only wonder what the long term complications will be for drinking milk that has a 50% chance it is contaminated with antibiotics.

There is also a problem with a protein enzyme called xanthine oxidase which is in cow's milk. Normally, proteins are broken down once you digest them.
However, when milk is homogenized, small fat globules surround the xanthine oxidase and it is absorbed intact into your blood stream. There is some very compelling research demonstrating clear associations with this absorbed enzyme and increased risks of heart disease.
Ear specialists frequently insert tubes into the ear drums of infants to treat recurrent ear infections. It has replaced the previously popular tonsillectomy to become the number one surgery in the country. Unfortunately, most of these specialists don't realize that over 50% of these children will improve and have no further ear infections if they just stop drinking their milk.
This is a real tragedy. Not only is the $3,000 spent on the surgery wasted, but there are some recent articles supporting the likelihood that most children who have this procedure will have long term hearing losses.
It is my strong recommendation that you discontinue your milk products. If you find this difficult, I would start for several weeks only, and reevaluate how you feel at that time.
This would include ALL dairy, including skim milk and Lact-Aid milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. If you feel better after several weeks you can attempt to rotate small amounts of one form of milk every four days.
You probably are wondering what will happen to your bones and teeth if you stop milk. The majority of the world's population takes in less than half the calcium we are told we need and yet they have strong bones and healthy teeth.
Cows' milk is rich in phosphorous which can combine with calcium -- and can prevent you from absorbing the calcium in milk. The milk protein also accelerates calcium excretion from the blood through the kidneys.
This is also true when you eat large amount of meat and poultry products. Vegetarians will need about 50% less calcium than meat eaters because they lose much less calcium in their urine.
It is possible to obtain all your calcium from dark green vegetables (where do you think the cow gets their's from?). The darker the better. Cooked collard greens and kale are especially good. If you or your child is unable to take in large amounts of green vegetables, you might want to supplement with calcium.
If you can swallow pills, we have an excellent, inexpensive source called Calcium Citrate, which has a number of other minerals which your body requires to build up maximally healthy bone.
It is much better than a simple calcium tablet. You can take about 1,000 mg a day. For those who already suffer from osteoporosis, the best calcium supplement is microcrystalline hydroxyapatite.
It is also important that you take vitamin D in the winter months from November to March. Normally your skin converts sunshine to vitamin D, but the sunshine levels in the winter are very low unless you visit Florida or Mexico type areas.
Most people obtain their vitamin D from milk in the winter; so if you stop it, please make sure you are taking calcium with vitamin D or a multi vitamin with vitamin D to prevent bone thinning.
Most people are not aware that the milk of most mammals varies considerably in its composition. For example, the milk of goats, elephants, cows, camels, wolves, and walruses show marked differences, in their content of fats, protein, sugar, and minerals. Each was designed to provide optimum nutrition to the young of the respective species. Each is different from human milk.
In general, most animals are exclusively breast-fed until they have tripled their birth weight, which in human infants occurs around the age of one year. In no mammalian species, except for the human (and domestic cat) is milk consumption continued after the weaning period. Calves thrive on cow milk. Cow's milk is designed for calves.
Cow's milk is the number one allergic food in this country. It has been well documented as a cause in diarrhea, cramps, bloating, gas, gastrointestinal bleeding, iron-deficiency anemia, skin rashes, atherosclerosis, and acne.
It is the primary cause of recurrent ear infections in children. It has also been linked to insulin dependent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, and leukemia.
Hopefully, you will reconsider your position on using milk as a form of nourishment. Small amounts of milk or milk products taken infrequently, will likely cause little or no problems for most people.
However, the American Dairy Board has done a very effective job of marketing this product. Most people believe they need to consume large, daily quantities of milk to achieve good health. NOTHING could be further from the truth.
Public health officials and the National Dairy Council have worked together in this country to make it very difficult to obtain wholesome, fresh, raw dairy products. Nevertheless, they can be found with a little effort. In some states, you can buy raw milk directly from farmers.
Whole, pasteurized, non-homogenized milk from cows raised on organic feed is now available in many gourmet shops and health food stores. It can be cultured to restore enzyme content, at least partially. Cultured buttermilk is often more easily digested than regular milk; it is an excellent product to use in baking.
Many shops now carry whole cream that is merely pasteurized (not ultra pasteurized like most commercial cream); diluted with water, it is delicious on cereal and a good substitute for those allergic to milk.
Traditionally made creme fraiche (European style sour cream), it also has a high enzyme content. Privacy/Security Current Newsletter Contact Info

©Copyright 2004 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in anot-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.