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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

# 110 If You Drink Milk? The Best Is !

Once upon a time there was real food. Once upon a time there was good meat. Once upon a time you could eat a meal and not get ill. All is well. Or is it? What has changed? Distribution of wholesome and safe perishable food stuff, is a modern day wonder. So why does one frequently read, in recent years, about starvation, lack of potable water, new types of sicknesses, obesity, and strain resistant viruses, and on and on! What has happened to the original altruist desire to alleviate hunger and pain in the world? Where has the integrity of "my word is my bond", "my handshake is my bond", gone too! What has happened to " applied common sense "! What has happened to the worlds leaders, that still seem unaware that wars, illness and environmental destruction, are rampant? Oh, lets form a committee to evaluate it. Than ignore common sense guidelines on how to best correct a given situation. Oh, why not just keep talking about it, until it fades away! Anyway, our food products are stripped of valuable nutrients, and replaced with harmful chemicals and brainwashing the public into believing its good for them. Well now , enough for now.

What's best? Soy milk, cow's milk, raw milk and fermented milk (kefir)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 by: Mike Adams Printable version Key concepts: cow's milk, raw milk and kefir. Want stories like this e-mailed to you? Click here for free e-mail alerts.

One of the most common questions I'm asked concerns my recommendations for milk or milk alternatives. My answer on this question has evolved over the years, so today, I'll share my latest preferences for milk and milk-like beverages.

Thumbs down:
Soy milk A few years ago, I recommended soy milk as a natural alternative to cow's milk. But since then, far better alternatives have emerged (see below). Also, more information has appeared regarding the environmental impact of soybean farming (the Amazon rainforest is being devastated by clear cutting to create soybean agricultural lands) as well as the frightening fact that most soybeans grown today are genetically modified (GMO) varieties.On top of this, most popular soy milk brands (I won't name names, but these are likely the ones in your grocery store) have been bought out by big, profit-seeking food and beverage corporations, and as a result, they've been sugared up and made nutritionally inferior. Check the ingredients on "plain" soy milk the next time you're at the store: It's loaded with sugar!Without question, most soy milk has become too mainstream, too sugary and too much controlled by the same food and beverage giants that are still manufacturing and marketing other products that promote degenerative disease. Because of these reasons, I no longer recommend soy milk (unless you make it yourself or get it from a small, truly natural company).

Thumbs down:
Processed cow's milkI'm also not thrilled about processed milk from cows. By "processed," I mean homogenized and pasteurized. The pasteurization kills all the beneficial microorganisms, and homogenization artificially modifies dairy fats in a way that ultimately harms the human cardiovascular system when consumed. Processed "mainstream" milk is also taken from dairy cows pumped up with antibiotics, rBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) and usually treated very poorly in terms of ethics. Even the popular brands showing happy cows and claiming to be organic are under intense fire by the Organic Consumers Association ( for exploiting certain loopholes that allow non-organic cows to be suddenly considered "organic" on the day they're giving milk.Processed cow's milk is bad for your health and bad for the cows who give it. It's great for corporate profits, however, and that's why milk continues to be so heavily marketed as a nutritional beverage. They've even managed to so strongly influence the USDA that the latest dietary recommendations by this government agency essentially recommend that everyone should drink more milk. And it's no surprise that infant formula manufacturers have, for decades, tried to convince nutritionally ignorant mothers that cow's milk is better for their baby than human breast milk. (An odd idea, isn't it?)

Thumbs up:
Raw milk Over the last two years, I've become a proponent of raw milk (especially raw fermented milk, see below). Raw goat's milk is my personal recommendation, but even raw cow's milk has merit. What's so good about raw milk? Because it's not homogenized or pasteurized, it's nutritionally superior to dead, cooked milk. Raw milk seems to be far easier to digest, and it contains living bacteria cultures that enhance digestion and even soothe the digestive tract.It's no surprise, then, that raw milk is under attack by both federal regulators and some members of the processed milk industry. They don't want people to find a "superior" milk that isn't as profitable to sell (because it has reduced shelf life), so they're trying to destroy the raw milk market and limit consumer choice to processed, dead milk. (The same is true in the almond industry, where the Almond Board of California is now trying to irradiate all almonds grown in the state, yet have them labeled as "raw" even when they're dead.)This attack on raw milk is dressed up to look like a public safety concern. Raw milk is dangerous, regulators claim, because the live cultures might get contaminated with unfriendly bacteria and harm someone. The preferred alternative, it seems, is to kill all the food so that it harms everyone equally.In terms of choosing raw milk, the typical choices are raw cow's milk and raw goat's milk. Raw goat's milk is more compatible with human nutritional needs (and is especially beneficial to infants when mother's milk isn't available), but it has a stronger taste that not everyone enjoys. I encourage you to try both raw goat's milk and raw cow's milk, then decide what you like best. The proteins in the goat's milk are, no doubt, easier for humans to digest.

Thumbs way up:
Fermented raw milkThe best dairy beverage for your health is, in my opinion, fermented raw milk. If you take raw milk and inoculate it with bacterial cultures, then let it sit for a day or two, you end up with a living, predigested, nutritionally superior beverage that's so packed with life it's actually fizzy (carbonated due to the off-gassing of bacteria) when you make it yourself at home.One form of this fermented milk is called Kefir. It's an incredible beverage when you make it yourself. The store-bought kefir just isn't the same because it's usually dead, flat and pasteurized. But home-made kefir is something else entirely! It's alive, energetic and completely natural.I was recently treated to some kefir made from raw goat's milk by a raw foods chef in Tucson -- a man I hope to feature on NewsTarget videos later this year. He makes kefir in jars on his kitchen countertop, using a kefir culture that's been passed down from one raw foodist to another for years... maybe even decades. It contained no sweeteners or additives of any kind; just raw goat's milk cultured with bacteria. After drinking it, I noticed an immediate energetic difference, and in the days that followed, I was amazed at the therapeutic effect on my digestive and eliminative processes. Since then, I've really upped my intake of fermented foods in general.Store-bought kefir is tricky. Definitely avoid non-organic kefir of any kind, and I strongly recommend that even when you buy organic kefir, avoid products made with added sugars. This is a fermented beverage, not ice cream. Don't think it's supposed to taste like a milkshake. It's a slightly bitter beverage when you drink it plain, but that's what kefir is supposed to be.

Thumbs way up:
Raw almond milk Another current favorite at my house is raw almond milk. It's made from raw, soaked almonds, water, vanilla and a pinch of sea salt. I've posted a video on how to make this yourself using a Vita-Mix. (Click here to see the video.)Raw almond milk is both delicious and nutritious. While it doesn't have the protein content of animal milk, it's rich in plant-based fats and various anti-cancer phytonutrients. Once you make a batch, you'll need to drink it within a day or two, since it tends to sour very quickly (it's alive, raw and nutritious, obviously), but I've found that you can preserve it in the refrigerator for several days longer by adding a couple of drops of food-grade hydrogen peroxide.Many raw food proponents are now drinking a combination of raw almond milk and raw goat's milk kefir. That's a combination I'm enjoying, too. It's good to have a balance of both plant and animal-based milks, but only if they're from ethically treated, naturally raised animals who are not exposed to antibiotics, toxic chemicals or conventional veterinary care (which is all based on chemicals, just like human health care).

Mike's Milk MatrixOkay, here's the low down on milk products and milk alternatives as I see it:
Soy milk: Not recommended. Too many GMO soybeans, bad environmental impact and some possible undesirable estrogen effects. The isoflavones are good for preventing cancer, however.Processed cow's milk: It's just gross. Homogenized, pasteurized, milked from unhealthy cows and containing alarmingly high levels of pus, this liquid is nothing less than frightening. Flee it.Raw cow's milk (organic): This is an acceptable dairy beverage. If it's from healthy cows treated with kindness and good nutrition, this raw beverage is far better than processed cow's milk.Row goat's milk (organic): Even better than raw cow's milk, since the goat's milk is easier to digest and more compatible with human nutritional needs.Fermented milk from cows or goats (organic Kefir): A great choice! It's alive, nutritious and great for digestive health. Make it yourself for best results. If you buy it, avoid the sugared-up kefir products in the store.Raw almond milk: A top choice for vegans, one of my favorite beverages. Make it yourself with raw almonds, water a nut milk bag and a blender. Click here to see my almond milk recipe video.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

# 109 Applied Common Sense and Mercury In Your Baby !

With all the published guidelines, stating that people should make every effort to avoid ingesting mercury contaminated fish and foods, where is the applied common sense in this situation? Of course, how stupid of me, sell the toxic mercury, and bank tons of dollars, while ignoring the very real dangers of eating mercury. Oh, more stupid me, just think on it, some group somewhere, can become billionaires, selling 10 million pounds of toxic mercury, at your healths risk.


WASHINGTON (November 16, 2006) -- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is considering selling some 1,300 tons of surplus mercury on the international market, prompting urgent warnings from health organizations that the toxic metal would easily find its way back into the domestic food chain from the developing world where it's typically used today.
There is no question that mercury from this sale would find its way up the food chain, onto our plates, and into our bodies," said Dr. Linda Greer, an environmental toxicologist and director of NRDC's Environmental Health Program. "Inviting less developed countries to a close-out sale on surplus American poison is sheer lunacy given what we know about how easily mercury moves around the globe."
Prenatal and infant mercury exposure can cause mental retardation, cerebral palsy, deafness and blindness. Even in low doses, mercury may affect a child's development, delaying walking and talking, shortening attention span and causing learning disabilities. In adults, it can adversely affect fertility and blood pressure, and cause memory loss, tremors, vision loss and other problems. Growing evidence suggests exposure to mercury may also lead to heart disease.
"We've got to stop the cycle of toxic mercury trade that winds up contaminating the fish we eat," said Dr. Greer.
Mercury also poses a substantial direct health risk to workers around the world, said Michael Bender, director of the Mercury Policy Project. "As many as 15 million gold miners in more than 40 countries, for example, are at risk from high-concentration mercury vapors and mercury intoxication, which can lead to severe nervous system poisoning," he said. "The U.S. government has a moral obligation to restrict its exports to developing countries, as the European Union recently proposed to do by 2011"


" current federal stockpile of about 10 million pounds "

Bush Plans to Veto Removal of Mercury From Infant Vaccines

Despite a 2004 campaign promise to the contrary, President Bush continues to allow the mercury-containing vaccine preservative thimerosal to be added to childhood flu vaccines.Thousands of parents believe the preservative has caused mercury poisoning and autism in their children. Still, President Bush plans to veto the HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill, which includes a measure to ban childhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal, because of the cost and “objectionable provisions.”As it stands, flu vaccines which contain thimerosal, are recommended for all pregnant women, infants and children, even though the Institute of Medicine recommended in 2001 that these population groups not be exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines. One in every six women of childbearing age has enough mercury in their bloodstream to cause neurological damage to their unborn children, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Max Health July 20 2007

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Public Health Service requested that all mercury-containing thimerosal be removed from vaccines all the way back in 1999.Now, nearly a decade later, mercury is not only still a part of flu vaccines, but health officials are recommending them to the very population that mercury stands to harm the most: babies, children and pregnant women.Children’s developing systems often cannot tolerate the assault from a potent neurotoxin like mercury, and there are many who believe mercury-containing vaccines have fueled the autism epidemic in America.Aside from autism, mercury exposure has been liked to an alarming array of chronic health issues, including:
Multiple sclerosis
Central nervous system disorders
Alzheimer’s disease
Lower IQ levels
Learning disabilitiesThe fact that thimerosal is still in vaccines is morally reprehensible, plain and simple. If you are a new parent or parent-to-be, please read up on the risks of vaccinations so that you can make an informed decision for the health of your child. And if you’re considering getting a flu vaccination, remember that there are plenty of natural ways to avoid getting the flu, without having to inject yourself or your child with a dangerous toxin.
Related Articles:
Thimerosal Battle Heads to "Vaccine Court" Childhood Vaccines Exceed Federal Guidelines for Mercury How the Mercury in Vaccines Can Kill Your Baby