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Extracted from One Answer to Cancer By Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
*Chapter 1*
What is Cancer?
Cancer is a term used to classify a fast growing malignant tumor, which, if allowed to grow unchecked, will cause death.
Many clinicians have the mistaken belief that cancer is complex; a number of different diseases, each having its own cause. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Most doctors, even the research scientists, suppose such things as viruses, X-rays, cigarette smoking, chemicals, sunlight, trauma, etc. cause cancer. These, sometimes, are an indirect cause.
The Direct Cause of Cancer is The Changing of an Ectopic Germ Cell into an Ectopic Trophoblast Cell
The direct cause of cancer, according to our research, is the changing of an ectopic germ cell into an ectopic trophoblast cell. An excess of female sex hormones brings about this change. Both men and women have male and female sex hormones. When this delicate male-female sex hormone balance is upset, cancer may start.
Let me explain this a little further. In the human life cycle, the male sperm unites with the female egg. Now if this fertilized egg would grow directly into a new baby, we would have no cancer or cancer problems, but nature does not act so simply and directly, for if she did, the newly formed embryo (baby) would fall out of the uterus. Therefore, nature had to develop some way to attach the new embryo to the wall of the uterus and some way to nourish (feed) it.
After the sperm in the fallopian tube of the m fertilizes the egg the fertilized egg gives rise to three basic kinds of cells:
Primitive germ cells
Normal body or somatic cells
Trophoblast cells
By the third day the fertilized egg has fallen into the uterus. During those three days and for many days thereafter, the trophoblast cells (cancer cells) are growing very rapidly and surround the two types of cells (primitive germ cells, and normal body or somatic cells).
The new baby will fall out of the uterus unless something happens fast, and happen it does. The trophoblast cells metastasize (as cancer does) to the wall of the uterus. Now the baby cannot fall out of the m’s uterus, but needs nourishment. The trophoblast cells (cancer cells) continue to grow rapidly and form the placenta. Now with a good food supply and no danger of falling out of the m, the baby (embryo) can continue to grow, safe and sound, until birth.
The placental trophoblast tissue (cancer mass) continues to grow until about the seventh week when the baby’s pancreas develops.
The baby’s pancreatic enzyme production along with the m’s pancreatic enzyme production stops the growth of the placental trophoblastic tissue.
As the new embryo (baby) is being formed from the normal body or somatic cells, the primitive germ cells (pre-placenta cells) are multiplying. In a few days, when the embryo (baby) develops to the proper stage, the primitive germ cells stop multiplying and begin to migrate to the gonads (ovaries or testes).
There are about three billion of these primitive germ cells that fatigue and never have the vital force necessary to reach the gonads. This means that there are two germ cells for every area the size of a pinhead dispersed throughout your body. Any one of these germ cells is a potential cancer. That is why cancer can form in any part of the body. All that is needed to create cancer in our body is a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, an imbalance of sex hormones and the embryonic destiny of a basic germ cell to form a placenta in preparation for the creation of a baby. The imbalance of sex hormones can take place at any time, but usually it occurs between 45 and 60 years of age.
When all is said and done, cancer is a normal growth of tissue (a placenta) due to the development of a basic germ cell in the wrong place (outside of the uterus). Sometimes this placenta also has a "baby" or begins a tumor inside of it much like a normal pregnancy - only it is in the wrong place. (When dissecting tumors Pathologists often find partially formed teeth, toenails and types of tissue, such as lung tissue, within the tumors.)
Malignancy, therefore, is never normal (somatic) tissue gone into wild proliferation, but a normal primitive germ cell growing normally in the wrong place.
Physiology of Cancer
I would like to share with you my concept of the physiology of cancer. In order for you to comprehend my concept let me give you a little background by reviewing with you Pellagra and Diabetes.
Pellagra Can Be Controlled WithA Diet Containing B Vitamins
For years patients were placed in insane asylums because they had the simple deficiency disease called Pellagra. In 1916 Dr. Joseph Goldberger found that diet could prevent this condition, but it was not until the 1940’s that it was discovered that Pellegra was nothing more than a simple B vitamin deficiency. Now no knowledgeable physician would commit such a patient, but rather give him B vitamins.
What is Pellagra? It is a symptom of a general systemic condition. For centuries only the symptoms were treated - now we know better.
Diabetes Can Be Controlled ByDiet, Insulin, or a Combination of Both
What is diabetes? It is nothing more than a symptom. It is a symptom that tells us that our systemic carbohydrate (sugar) metabolism is not functioning properly. Before insulin the great physicians stood by and wrung their hands helplessly.
Before the discovery of insulin by professor Ernest L. Scott in 1911 and until the early 1930’s, when a person was diagnosed as having diabetes, they would often ask the doctor if their condition could be helped or made worse by what they were eating and should they change their diet in any way? The doctor would tell them: "Oh no, diet doesn’t make any difference - eat anything you want, you aren’t going to live much longer anyway, so live it up and eat whatever you want." Doctors couldn’t connect the diet and diabetes. Even lay people in those days figured out that if you ate a lot of leafy green vegetables and reduced the amount of sugar you took in, you survived longer and did well - at least better than the person who didn’t watch his diet.
And so it was that after the development of insulin, doctors figured out that there is a factor in diet. In the early 1920s there weren’t very good analytical facilities available. But the doctors empirically found that the people who ate green leafy vegetables, and a few foods, survived diabetes much better and the sugar count in their urine was much better. They had a saying in the medical community at that time that leafy, green vegetables contained "natural insulin." It wasn’t actually the truth, but they became aware of the fact that including these vegetables in the diet did play a role and they were trying to explain it.
We’re in the same situation now with cancer. Someday, in the near future, it will dawn on the medical community that diet does make quite a difference in people with cancer, and greatly affects health in general. It can’t happen too soon. When it does, a lot of lives will be saved and a lot of lives will be lived more healthfully.
Eighty-Six Percent of All Cancers Could Be Controlled and/or Prevented By Diet and Pancreatic Enzymes
At least 86% of all cancer conditions could be adequately treated and/or prevented by diet and pancreatic enzymes.
Cancer is a symptom of inadequate and deficient protein metabolism. The real problem is protein metabolism, not cancer. Cancer is only a symptom telling those who would listen that their protein metabolism is in very serious trouble. Surgery, radiation and chemapy only treat the symptoms of cancer.
One hundred years ago Dr. John Beard at the University of Edinburgh discovered that the body’s primary mechanism for destroying cancer is contained in pancreatin, a secretion from the pancreas that includes enzymes for digesting protein (among things). Enzymes digest or liquefy foods for absorption by the body. Dr. Beard presented pictures in his books and papers to show recoveries using pancreatin. This was an unprecedented approach to treating the symptoms of cancer - a direct attack on the malignancy with a substance that did not have toxic side effects on the functions of the body.
Dr. Howard Beard (no relation) of Fort Worth, Texas has contributed considerably to the understanding and use of pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of cancer. He and researchers indicated that where cancer is concerned trypsin and particularly chymotrypsin are the important enzymes in pancreatin. Dr. Beard also recommended a nutritional program and things, as stated in his book: A New Approach to Cancer, Rheumatic, and Heart Diseases.
Cancer Compared to Diabetes
Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism due to inadequate production or utilization of insulin. Cancer is a disorder of protein metabolism due to inadequate production or utilization of protein digesting enzymes.
Insulin is produced in the pancreas. Protein digesting enzymes are produced in the pancreas.
A neurological process controls insulin production. A neurological process controls enzyme production.
Diabetes can often be controlled by diet alone. Cancer can often be controlled by diet alone.
Diabetes can almost always be controlled by the proper dosage of insulin. Cancer can almost always be controlled by proper dosage of protein digesting enzymes.
A diabetic patient can live a long useful life and never die as the result of diabetes. A cancer patient can live a long and useful life and never die as the result of cancer.
A diabetic patient must control his diabetes the rest of his life by diet or medication or a combination of both. A Cancer patient must control his cancer the rest of his life by diet and protein digesting enzymes.
The diabetic patient and the cancer patient alike must seek professional help to determine and regulate the condition, but it is up to the individual to administer to himself the proper diet and missing medication and/or supplements.
The Four Laws of Cancer
You cannot have cancer unless three factors are present.
These three factors are:
The presence of an ectopic germ cell
The stimulating presence of the female sex hormones
A deficiency of active pancreatic enzymes
First Law:
The Body Fails to Produce an Adequate Amount of Active Pancreatic Enzymes for One of Three Reasons:
83% - Overworking the pancreas by the intake of too much protein
10% - Neurological injury to pancreatic enzyme production
7% - Malfunction of body chemistry inactivating the enzymes
Second Law:
Protein Is Gradually Sapped from Muscles
Our research indicates that in 93% of all cancer cases the development of cancer is gradual. The average cancer patient has had cancer 39 months before it is clinically diagnosed. The important factor here is not that it is slow growing, but rather what happens to the body during this growth time - the body must have protein to live, but during this 39 months the body could not get enough protein from its food supply. Therefore, to keep the blood protein at a minimal level to sustain life, the body very gradually saps or destroys the muscles of the body.
Third Law:
Damaged Tissue and Female Hormones at the Site of a Latent, Misplaced Ectopic Germ Cell Set the Scene for Cancer
At this point the conditions are ripe for the symptom cancer to develop. All that is needed is something to stimulate the female sex hormone formation at the site of a misplaced ectopic germ cell. This is most often done by scar formation caused by a blow, a bruise, a drop of tar in the lung, a sun burn, an overdose of X-ray, or anything else that can cause a normal scar formation procedure to take place in the body - at the site of a latent ectopic germ cell. This is normal wear and tear of the body, which happens to each of us every day; it is only when our protein metabolism is deficient that the symptom cancer develops.
Now the ectopic germ cell mistakenly thinks it is time to have a baby and starts growing a placenta (cancer) in preparation for a baby that never develops. The only trouble is, without proper amounts of pancreatic enzymes circulating in our bloodstream to dissolve this abnormal placenta, it keeps growing and does not stop. When the patient finally consults the physician the condition of cancer is announced and surgery, radiation and chemapy are recommended.
Fourth Law:
For Cancer To Be Cured There Must Be A Positive Change In The Physiology Of The Patient
If nothing changes in the physiology of the patient, the cancer grows until it destroys the body. If something positive changes in the physiology of the patient one of two things can happen:
One person with cancer lasts a long time while an person with the same type of cancer goes rapidly - and, before now, no one knew why.
The right combination of circumstances occurs, and the cancer is dissolved or "cured."
This book answers the question: "What is the right combination of circumstances?"
Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program
"Metabolic" pertains to metabolism: The chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living organisms and cells, comprising those by which assimilated food is built up (anabolism) into protoplasm and those by which protoplasm is used and broken down (catabolism) into simpler substances or waste matter, with the release of energy for all vital processes.
The person who has the metabolic malfunction should be addressed, not the disease that has the person. We call our system of addressing cancer "Metabolic" because the total person and all of his chemical and physical processes must be considered, and new habits of health developed in order to obtain a reasonable state of health.
We advise a very comprehensive program. It is extremely effective and inexpensive when compared to surgery, radiation and chemapy. Those who are willing to faithfully and tediously follow it will be successful. Those who follow it in part or haphazardly will be completely unsuccessful.
Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program is based on the best scientific knowledge available and has been condensed to a simple well-balanced system. Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program can be compared to a fine watch; each part must be there and be working properly or it does not work at all. Each step of Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program must be followed exactly or there will not be any relief of the symptoms.
The Five Steps of Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program:
Metabolic Supplementation (Chapter III)
Detoxification Of The Body (Chapter IV)
Adequate, Proper, Well-Balanced Diet (Chapter V)
Neurological Stimulation (Chapter VI)
Spiritual Attitude (Chapter VII)
Step one, halting or stopping the malignant growth with the use of supplemental metabolic nutrition, is relatively simple. The growth is usually stopped from within 3 hours to 12 days of metabolic nutritional supplementation, depending upon the amount and method of administration. This is usually noted by a sharp elevation of body temperature lasting about 3 days.
The clinical problem in treating a cancer patient is step two, clearing the body of accumulated toxins. This takes from 3 weeks to 12 months, depending upon the location and mass (amount) of growth. Many cancer patients have had their tumors successfully treated only to die of toxic poisons as the mass is dissolved and excreted from the body - in a case such as this the clinician treated the disease and not the patient, or failed to treat "metabolically."
We find that the rate of recovery is subject to an law - that of blood supply. If the rate of blood supply to an area is great, recovery is fast. If the blood supply to an area is inadequate, recovery is very slow. Thus, we find those with leukemia respond quickly, while those with bone afflictions have a much slower response. We have also noted that in tumors of large diameter (three or more inches) the outside diameter is quickly dissolved, but the interior, where there is a lack of blood supply, often takes several months to dissolve. This is a very wonderful thing: the body has time to detoxify and the death rate from toxemia is greatly reduced.
The prognosis for a cancer patient is very good when the liver, kidney, and lung functions are at least 50% of normal, and an optimistic spiritual attitude is maintained. Unfortunately, we have found many people who have lost hope, or their next of kin have lost hope, to the degree they were resigned to death and refused to try our Cancer Cure Program.
Metabolic Cancer Defense
There are only two Physicians - the Almighty and your own body
The pancreas is a complex organ and has many functions and purposes. We will briefly mention three here:
Carbohydrate (Sugar) Metabolism.
If this pancreatic function fails, the resulting disease process is what we call diabetes.
B. Production of Digestive Enzymes:
Amylase, which digests starches, glycogen and carbohydrates.
Lipase, which digests fats.
Protease, which digests proteins. If this pancreatic function fails, the resulting disease process is called:
Cystic Fibrosis (usually in children) and/or;
Malnutrition, starvation, cachexia, wasting, or emaciation (usually in adults).
C. To Digest or Cannibalize:
The intercellular metabolic waste and toxic metabolic materials.
The intracellular waste products and dead or dysfunctional normal cells.
The normal dormant pre-placenta cells as they become cancer cells.
When this pancreatic function fails we have the resulting disease process we call cancer.
Metabolic Ignorance
There are many causes for the failure of our pancreatic metabolic function. Often more than one cause exists simultaneously within the cancer patient. Listed below are some of these and all must be considered as possible or ruled out as non-causative in each cancer patient:
The pancreas fails to produce an adequate quantity of enzymes.
We take into our bodies such large quantities of foods, which require pancreatic enzymes for their digestion, that there are no enzymes available for cancer digestion.
Diet: Incorrect type, amount, and timing of nutritional intake.
Nutritional Components are not available (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.) that are necessary for normal metabolism within the pancreas.
We may fail to take into our diet enough minerals, which are essential to release the enzymes into activity.
We may produce enough enzymes but we fail to take into our diet enough coenzymes (vitamins) to make the enzymes work.
Failure of the Small Intestine to make adequate pancreatic activators.
Obstruction of pancreatic secretion flow.
Often we produce enough enzymes, but the blood supply to a cancer area is so poor the enzymes we produce are not carried to the area.
Proper pH Balance (acid/alkaline balance) within the intestinal tract and/or within the cancer tumor mass.
Infection: Bacterial or viral.
Chemical Poisons within the patient’s body from the environment, food chain, drugs, metabolic wastes or medications.
Man Made Biologicals: Viruses or infectious agents.
Emotional instability and/or trauma.
Non-Absorption of pancreatic secretions (pancreatin) from the intestines into the body due to scarring or damage to the small intestine from various diseases.
Our bodies produce anti-enzyme factors. These factors keep the enzymes from digesting our own bodies. Sometimes we produce an over-abundant supply of these anti-enzyme factors.
Balance: Instability and weakness of the autonomic nervous system.
Genetic: Inheriting a very small, or weak or defective (ineffective) pancreas.
Radiation Damage such as from therapeutic procedures, etc.
Spiritual weakness.
Racial Gene Pools
The pure white race, Aryans, and in particular, the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic, French, Scottish, Irish and British peoples, genetically appear to have a much higher incidence of cancer than races. The Jewish race, as well as Blacks, Asians and mixed races have a much lower incidence of cancer than the Aryan race.
Races have cancer of course, but in proportion to the pancreatic damage from malnutrition, viruses or infection. In addition, the percentage of cancer within the races can be correlated to the percentage of white blood mixed in the individual’s gene pool.
Cancer Recovery
All persons who have cancer die of starvation, unlessthey are first killed — usually by their physician.
In attempting to find help and in helping others, one must comprehend the four basic parameters one confronts:
First, the stricken cancer victim and their family members have been so deceived by the Establishment that they are completely brainwashed and put in overwhelming fear.
Second, another parameter we often forget is, once a cancer victim or family member has awakened from this imprisoned condition — they trust no one. All too often, the mindset of the cancer victim is to demand an immediate, noticeable, positive, measurable response. When this is not forthcoming, they usually flip and flounder around, in and out of all forms of therapies that are claimed by their promoters as "the cure." Usually, most of the individuals who finally find Dr. Kelley’s Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program are these disappointed and disillusioned persons; without hope and adequate funding for recovery. Such persons must have at least 6 months of life and follow the Metabolic Program most carefully. Then, if they survive that long, there is a chance of recovery. This recovery period is a long and tedious one, usually lasting at least 2 years. After that, they must take a form of metabolic support for the rest of their lives.
Third, most of these individuals expect and demand immediate results or they go on to other therapies. This, however, is not the way one recovers from cancer. It is not the way they developed cancer.
It requires the failure of the pancreas from 2 to 4 years to develop a Malignant Tumor Mass — which the medical community in error calls "Cancer."
It requires at least the same length of time to clean up a ravaged body. Then the process of rebuilding the body can take place, which usually takes an additional two to four years of hard work and living right.
Then, for the rest of one’s life, one must keep a constant vigil to remain free of Malignant Tumor Masses.
Fourth, one must realize that physicians are forbidden to treat CANCER. The Enemy controlled Medical Establishment has several methods and techniques to prohibit a physician from treating cancer.
Physicians are only allowed to treat Malignant Tumor Masses and one’s purse. Dr. Morrision and I have experienced most of these diabolical acts of injustice, not only to the cancer victim, but also to the physician.
Cancer Is A "Process" — Not An "Object"
Daily, everyone produces Malignant Tumor Cells and daily, most everyone’s pancreas produces adequate pancreatin to digest the food they eat and these Malignant Tumor Cells. It is when one’s pancreas fails to produce the necessary pancreatin to accomplish these tasks that a disease "Process" takes place which we correctly call Cancer.
When this disease process occurs, one is not aware of it. It is so subtle it must progress for 2 to 4 years before one or one’s physician realizes he or she is in trouble. The things one often complains about to his or her physician during this time are indigestion and weight loss at first then, a few months later, excessive weight gain, eye trouble and pyorrhea. Eventually a large enough Malignant Tumor Mass forms — which is the "Object" or the result of the disease process that we correctly call Cancer — that the Cancer Victim and his or her physician can observe and in error calls Cancer.
The objective of Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program is to supply the body with adequate pancreatin to properly digest food, stop this disease process and to rid the body of any and all Malignant Tumor Masses. This is the proper, normal, physiological method of taking care of the disease process we correctly call Cancer.
Cancer Markers Become Temporarily Elevated and Malignant Tumor Masses Continue to Grow Temporarily
Pancreatin digests the Malignant Tumor Masses and Cells into liquid debris. This debris is then gobbled up by your white blood cells and removed from your body by way of bile from the liver, which goes into the colon and out, and urine from the kidneys, which goes into the bladder and out. A small amount of this debris leaves the body by way of skin perspiration as well as hair and nail growth.
Upon starting Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program two measurable things occur:
White blood cells increase in number, which is considered by everyone to be a good sign.
Cancer Markers become temporarily elevated, which often scares both the Cancer Victim and his or her doctor. Dr. Kelley considers elevated Cancer Markers to be a good sign for the following reason:
The Malignant Tumor Mass debris consists, in part, of Cancer Marker components. Until now most of this Cancer Marker material has been held in the tissue surrounding the Malignant Tumor Mass and usually increases when Malignant Tumor Masses continue to develop. Upon starting Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program the Cancer Markers are released into the bloodstream as the Masses are digested. This causes a high volume of Cancer Marker material to appear in the bloodstream temporarily and is the most misinterpreted part of the Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program. The second most misinterpreted part is that often the Malignant Tumor Masses continue to grow temporarily before one’s normal metabolic function can take over.
Why You’ll Feel Bad During Recovery
When the organs of detoxification become overloaded with debris one feels lousy — like you were run over by a freight train (see page 77).
This lousy feeling is how you will know that Dr. Kelley’s Metabolic Medicine’s Program is working.
If you do not feel lousy one of two things is happening:
You are not taking enough pancreatin of the correct quality or quantity
You have a very small amount of Malignant Tumor Cells and/or Masses
We expect all cancer victims taking pancreatin to feel toxic (sore, headachy, no energy, nauseous, irritable, elevated temperature, flu-like symptoms, etc.). When this occurs it indicates one’s metabolic functions are working well. At this time we recommend that you stop taking the Metabolic Nutrients for 5 days to allow your organs of detoxification time to remove this debris from your body.
Many Cancer Victims have only a small Malignant Tumor Mass and experience only mild discomfort while other Cancer Victims have very large Malignant Tumor Masses like the actor Steve McQueen (see page 131). If your physician surgically removes most of such masses one’s recovery time speeds up.
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