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Sunday, October 08, 2006

# 66 Alive & Kicking

To All,
This newsletter and the web site used , contains a vast wealth of health information.
This guy has been through hell and back, but he is a survivor. Nothing to lose, give it a try.
Be Well

Vibrant Life Home
Heart Disease
Newsletter Options
THIS Newsletter
Skin Cream
Karl Loren -- Alive And Kicking
October 7, 2006
For more than 10 years I have published some sort of "newsletter." The web-based newsletters started in about 1998. In late 2005 my program for handling newsletters was no longer adequate for the job and it has taken me one year to get back to you with the new program and new look.
This is -- the new Wednesday Letter.
This mailing is going out to some 23,000 people who had subscribed in years past.
There is a lot of news about these newsletters -- I'll put some of that here, but also provide links to where you can find it on a permanent basis -- in case you ever want to refer to it again. This "news" relates to how you subscribe, how you unsubscribe and other administrative details.
For instance, in the navigation menu above there is an item called "Newsletter Options." That page gives you the administrative details about not only THIS newsletter but the additional Newsletters I have in the planning stages -- all to be MY personal stuff.
Generally every one of my newsletters is created so that you can forward it as much as you like. Any person who is NOT on the subscription list can then subscribe to the letter because you sent it to him.

Not able to get this subscription link thing to work, but use any of the other links to subscribe.

New Subscription: The Wednesday Letter
E-Mail Address:
First Name:
Last Name:
This same subscription offer is contained on thousands of my other pages amongst the 50+ web sites I have published. They all work the same as this one.
This is a subscription offer that works ONLY for someone who is not already subscribed. If you are not sure, just fill in the information above. You will get, first, a welcome message, asking you to "confirm" your subscription. After the program receives that "confirm" it then checks to see if the eMail address you have provided above is already in the list. If so, you'll then get a message telling you that.
If that eMail address is NOT in the list already, you will then get a "Thank You" message, telling you that you are now subscribed.
The fact that you received this Newsletter, yourself, means that THIS eMail address ( ) is in the subscription list. You can, as you wish, send the letter to anyone -- that person can subscribe from the copy of the letter you send -- this will be true of all future Newsletters.
Here is how you can UnSubscribe from this list.
How To UnSubscribe
E-Mail Address:

First you fill in the form to UnSubscribe -- it takes your eMail address only to start. You then get an eMail, sent only to your official address in our records, with a request for you to CONFIRM your UnSubscribe request.
In order to prevent someone from UnSubscribing FOR YOU, you must reply to the "CONFIRM" message that will be sent as soon as you submit the UnSubscribe request.
There is more to learn about this and other newsletters -- click on "Newsletter Options" to learn more. This link will also always be on every newsletter -- so you can learn more any time.
Karl Loren
PS: The title, "Karl Loren -- Alive and Kicking" has something to do with the NEXT NEWSLETTER on the schedule for publishing!

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