"I consider EFT to be the perfect means now available to everyone for regaining physical and mental health" - Tania de Winne, MD -
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First class result for a heroin addiction
Let experienced EFT'er Aileen Nobles take you through the details of unraveling her client's 6 year heroin addiction in 4 sessions. Please note her many creative approaches, including how she uses a light switch metaphor as a means to test how well things are going. Also note that first class results like this are rare with conventional treatments. A success like this one, however, does not always mean that the job is over. Future diligence is sometimes necessary.
By Aileen Nobles
Hi Gary,
I'm quite thrilled to share another wonderful success story in progress, thanks to EFT. Kristen has been generous enough to share her testimonial with your readers so that others may take hope.
When Kristen came for her first appointment she had been on heroin for 6 years. She was participating in a methadone program yet she was still craving heroin.
She has caring parents and a good job. We searched around for how it began, and she believes she started using in high school because it was a cool thing to do. She wanted to fit in with the others.
During the first session we tapped on:
* Feelings of disconnection from her emotions and life in general. * Unsure of her place in the world.* Feeling anxious around groups of people* Anxiety and fear at the thought of not using heroin again.
GC COMMENT: Please note that all of Aileen's tapping rounds in this article are aimed at GLOBAL issues and SYMPTOMS. This is often helpful to "take the edge off" and move toward healing. As you will see, it was certainly successful in this case. In my experience, however, the foundational issues behind addictions often revolve around the SPECIFIC EVENTS underlying the reasons for needing to use drugs. These SPECIFIC EVENTS eventually become important targets in many cases.
AILEEN CONTINUES: As a child Kristen had to share her bedroom with siblings, she always felt she wanted something that was her own secret but had no privacy. Heroin became her secret.
We used a visualization of a light switch being up and on when she was out of control, and tapped as she moved into a place where she could turn her switch off into the down position. This was something she could check in on any time throughout the day.
In the second session Kristen was taking methadone on a daily basis and still thinking about heroin. Her switch was usually up and she would keep putting it down as she tapped on the karate point (indicating success).
We tapped on:* Feeling anxious and spinning out of control.* The heavy cloud hanging over her.* Feeling overwhelmed at work and becoming immobilized and frozen.* Compulsive hair pulling whenever she was anxious.* Needing drugs before going out with friends.* A breathing problem - releasing fear* Cutting down on methadone* Not needing heroin or methadone to feel good
During our third session Kristen was still taking methadone and had not yet cut down. Her breathing had greatly improved. We tapped on:
* Afraid of not feeling well and always wanting to feel better (Heroin made her feel better)* Fear of the methadone wearing off and feeling sick* Withdrawal symptoms of feeling anxious and fidgety, hot and cold, and lack of concentration.
We reinforced the ideas of not needing to have a hidden secret, as she could keep anything she wanted to herself if she chose.
We tapped on how unique and talented she was, and tapped on opening her heart. Kristen's switch was now down and stayed down. We installed the idea that she would feel better than ever as she took control of her emotions and had no desire for heroin or methadone.
In all we had three hour long sessions and a half hour phone session. This testimonial will hopefully inspire others who either have or work with this challenging issue.
Letter from Kristen
I've been decreasing my methadone for the past five weeks, and I feel good about it. I talked to my counselor about the tapping...she was very happy for me, but didn't really inquire too much about the details of EFT, which I thought was odd considering the small miracle I'd just informed her of. She did say though that she can't think of the last time someone came into her office saying they didn't crave heroin anymore and would like to get off of methadone!I feel better than I've ever felt, I don't feel plagued by that existential heaviness anymore, and I certainly don't feel like using drugs. I just feel light and happy, and normal, a thing I've always wondered what it felt like.
I think back on all the years I was using and how I always felt I would never be able to stop using, how helpless I felt...now it never occurs to me, and it's like it hardly existed because the thought literally never crosses my mind to use. All the people who say they use drugs because of this trauma or that experience or upbringing, I never felt that way...it's just like I always thought, that I was a sane normal functioning person trapped in an addict's mind and body, or like a demon inside me. If only I could rid myself of that compulsion, I'd be fine because I don't have those kinds of issues. And that's exactly what happened.Thank you Aileen!
Aileen comments
Since receiving the letter above, Kristen came for another session. She had cut down on her methadone so much that she was feeling "sick." I asked her what sick felt like and she said it was the same feeling she had when she was coming down off heroin. She also had a fear of not going to the clinic every day. Without her habit...who would she be?"
We tapped on:
*Not needing to feel the sickness as her body knew how to compensate as she withdrew from methadone.*Releasing the need to have a crutch*Letting go of destructive habits *Re-inventing herself
We did some light hypnotic journeys featuring crutches getting smaller, and then being able to walk strongly on her own legs into her future self.
We had done only a few minutes on her hair pulling issue during our sessions yet Kristen told me she had almost stopped that habit.
When she tries to think about heroin, it's as if it belonged to someone else. She said that her friends and family are the ones who cant let go, and can't believe she doesn't think about it any more.The difference in Kristen's aura is amazing. Most people can sense a dark energy around someone and Kristen's energy is now so light compared to her first session.
These EFT techniques never cease to amaze me.
Love and Light,Aileen Nobleshttp://www.aileennobles.com/
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
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