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Thursday, September 29, 2005

# 49 Soul Food

Many times while speaking on religion with friends or proselytes, they erroneously conclude at times , that I am some what irreligious. Not so. The conundrum of existence posed a question. So, in pursuit of an answer, I unwillingly joined the ranks, of the perplexed. Many were the times , during these periods of searching, that I wished for that "blind faith" so many others expressed.
It just wasn't there for me.
See my post " Religious Quandary", for more detail.

Is there a doubt in my mind regards a Higher Power, none what so ever.

Over the course of decades, numerous forays into the bible created more problems than answers. That being said, I found many of the words written, to be of great interest, for reasons I wont go into at this time. Now ,what is listed here , is actually how they are written in my original notes. Could have rewritten a word or two, of my original thoughts, but decided to leave them as is.

My note in Matthew 21:12 might disturb some. If so see
(1 Kings 16:11-12 ) and (2 Kings 9:8 ) but be sure to use an old version of the bible, that was not sanitized.

In checking the verses and numbers, one may have a bit of a problem. I use older versions of the bible, so what you might find is a sanitized version, that may differ in text. Even the meaning may have been man altered, to suit some subtle purpose.
So now I need to point out, should one be concerned about what is written in Revelations 22:18-19?
Check it out.

You can do some checking of verses at the site listed at the bottom. This is a pro & con type listing, of various religions with interesting comments. Was pleased to find this site, as it was here, that I found the many questions that I had also raised, listed. Only points out that there are other persons that were as "questioning", about things written, as I am. Right or wrong, is not the question , "how you perceive it all", is what really matters, not dogma forced upon you.

This is not the original sequence I followed, that is of no importance here.

Listed here are some that had raised many questions in my mind, in the nature of " who, why, what, how come, are you kidding" .

- Chapter / Verse - - How I marked my notes -

1 Chronicles 4:10 - Jabez- and God granted what he asked...
1 Thessolonians 5:23 - Spirit, Soul, and Body...
Acts of the Apostles 1:14 - and Jesus' brothers...
Galations 1:18-20 - James the Lords brother...
Genesis 4:13-16 - Cain kills Abel & now afraid...
Genesis 6:1,4 - sons of God & Nephilim...
Genesis 6:6 - God sorry he made man...
John 14:12,14 - The Works that I do, so shall you also do...
John 4:44 - Prophet has no honor in his own country...
Luke 12:54-56 - you see the future in.../ but cant see the present...
Luke 4:24 - no prophet is acceptable in his own country...
Luke 7:11,15 - raises a dead person to life...
Luke 8:43,44,46 - Who touched me...
Luke 8:49-55 - your not dead, raises dead person...
Luke 8:8 - hundred fold...
Luke 9:38-43 - apostles screwed up, Jesus ticked off...
Mark 10:30 - hundred fold...
Mark 4:10,11 - To you has been given the secret...
Mark 4:33,34 - he explained everything...
Mark 6:3 - Judas brother of Jesus...
Mark 8:22,25 - Jesus had to work harder on his miracle( blind man)...
Matthew 10:34,39 - Do not think I have come to bring peace on earth...
Matthew 13:10,13 - to you it has been given to know the secrets...
Matthew 13:55 - more, Judas brother of...
Matthew 13:8,23 - hundred fold...
Matthew 16:13,15 - Who do they say that the son of man is...
Matthew 17:20 - mustard seed...
Matthew 21:12 - Jesus pissed off...
Matthew 21:22 - What ever you ask in prayer...
Matthew 25:35,40 - for I was hungry... / do to the least...
Matthew 6:5,6,7 - Pray in secret, keep it simple, Our Father...
Matthew 8:13 - Jesus heals Centurions servant- be it done for you, as you have believed...
Romans 7:15,24 - Paul to the Romans: The things I do... / ought not do....

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