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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

# 11 The Master Cleanser Mix


The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs

ISBN 0-9639262-0-9: 50 pages

$6.00 / $ 10.00 Price!

A simple fasting plan developed by a well-known healer.
Explains in layperson's terms the whys and hows to begin a fasting program for yourself.

LEMON DRINK for The Master Cleanser Mix

You'll need:

2 TBLsp lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)
2 TBLsp genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B
1/10 Tsp cayenne pepper,
gradually increase 10-14 oz pure water (distilled water is best)

OR ( I mixed my supply by the gallon. )

You'll need, per gallon jug:

100 oz. water
1 and a 1/4 cup, lemon or lime juice.
1 and a 1/4 cup, real maple syrup , grade B, only.
1 teaspoon of red pepper

Use Grade " B " only.

Combine juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper with water.
Drink every 1 to 2 hours.
Take no other food, but do drink lots of water in between drinks of the mix.
( I've gone up to eight days , drinking only this and plain water )
Use fresh lemons or limes only, never canned or frozen lemon juice.
Use organic when possible. Also, Mix your lemonade fresh just before drinking.
You can, however, squeeze your lemons in the morning
and measure out the 2 Tbls when needed.

( I had to mix by the gallon. Took way too much time otherwise )


1 comment:

The Talker said...

No one has ever mentioned getting Ill or sick in following this process. One would gain or lose weight only if your body needed to normalize. Loss of undesired weight is a side benefit.