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Saturday, September 29, 2007
# 113 Amoeba Slips In Nose, Eats Brain
Deadly microbe rare, but cases on the rise.
Phoenix – It sounds like science fiction but it's true: A killer amoeba living in lakes enters the body through the nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die. Go to the Trib to read the article
I wonder if this is a kissing cousin to what I had posted on my Razors Edge blog, post # 24, Sunday 5, 2004?
( what was posted )
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 05, 2004TROUBLES IN THE MAKING ! - Microbe Can Survive at 266 Degrees Microbe Can Survive at 266 Degrees Thu Aug 14, 2:01 PM ETAdd Science - AP to My Yahoo! By PAUL RECER, AP Science Writer WASHINGTON - Some may like it hot, but nothing likes it hotter than a weird microbe known as Strain 121. The one-celled organism, captured from a magma vent at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, can survive 266 degrees, a temperature no other known life form can tolerate.
Read the rest in post # 24 on Razors Edge.
This new, but rare thing is named Naegleria fowleri .It has already killed 23 people in the United States, from 1995 to 2004. This year, it has already claimed six cases. Three in Florida, two in Texas, and one in Arizona. Mention is made that since the 1960's, there has been " only several hundred " cases worldwide. It was discovered first, in Australia.
Usually fatal within two weeks of becoming infected.
Mentioned also, is that some drugs have stopped the amoeba in lab experiments, but people who have been attacked rarely survive.
Naegleria lives almost everywhere: in lakes, hot springs, even dirty swimming pools, grazing off algae and bacteria in the sediment.
Not much is yet known, is why Naegleria, infects children mostly, and boys more than girls.
Symptoms are listed as: infected persons tend to complain of a stiff neck, headaches and fevers. In later stages, they'll show signs of brain damage such as hallucinations and behavioral changes.
Prevention methods were listed as: Avoid swimming in warm standing water, and to wear a nose clip, if you do.
Can only wonder if information posted on spices and other remedies, in posts # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, and # 14, would be effective with this new life-threatening situation.
My condolences to the Evans family, of Lake Havasu City, Ariz, on the recent loss of their son, Aaron, to this rare microscopic organism.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
# 112 Can Juice Products Cure My Cancer?
Yo Talker, it’s me, Babbler, trying to get your attention again. What is it this time, I ask Babbler. I’m still tripping over some cancer thoughts, Babbler answers back. Forget it, I reply. Besides, I want to keep at my audio and VHS video conversion project. What’s so important about those projects, that you can’t give me a few hours of time, he asks. Well, I reply, these are rare videos on herbal healing,, and audio tapes I made decades ago, that I want to preserve. Tell me about it, says Babbler. OK, here are my thoughts regards that, remember though, that you asked about it. Through subtle propagandism, people are being misled. Powerful special interest groups want your money and freedom of choice. Makes no difference to them, that ones health, wealth and freedom are at risk, while they pursue their own “ bottom line “interests. Altruism, while not completely dead, is rapidly fading away, as being old fashioned and obsolete. People are being trained to “ not think on your own “. They are being trained to think in only a “ what I want you to believe “ manner. So, my VHS rare herbal videos, will always be there to keep me alert to what , some, would like me to forget. The audio tapes go back to the time, that I dared to cross the line of religious dogma and upbringing. Ah, much left unsaid. For now, read some truths about what was just mentioned above.
.................................................................................................... printable articleOriginally published September 12 2007 The top ten consumer questions about superfruit juices: Pomegranate, blueberry, acai and cherryby Mike Adams
This Q&A report is a follow up from our hugely popular Pomegranate and Blueberry Juice Consumer Shopping Guide, which exposes dishonest juice products sold in grocery stores. Many readers are asking great questions about these products: Is raw better than pasteurized? Is reconstituted juice as good as freshly squeezed? Is the plastic bottle a threat to health? Must the juices be organic to be healthful?
This follow-up report attempts to answer these questions. Some of the information here is borrowed from the consumer shopping guide mentioned above.
Here are the big questions we're being asked about superfruit juices (along with answers for each one).
The top consumer questions about superfruit juices#1: Are pasteurized superfruit juice as healthy as raw juices?
No. Raw fruit juice is always healthier than pasteurized. Heat processing destroys a significant portion of the nutrients found in raw juice.
#2: Is the Bisphenol-A chemical in the plastic containers used with fruit juices a threat to my health?
A small threat, perhaps, but the health benefits of drinking superfruit juices greatly outweigh the health risks of plastics chemicals. Still, it's better to drink such juices from glass containers, not plastic.
#3: Are organic fruit juices healthier than non-organic?
Yes! Organic fruits have much higher concentrations of phytonutrients (natural plant medicines), vitamins and minerals. Organic farming is also better for the environment. But even non-organic superfruits are very good for your health, and in my opinion, the health benefits of the natural fruit juices far outweighs the cancer risk of pesticide residues.
#4: Why do you call apple juice and grape juice "junk juices?"
Many superfruit juice products that claim "pomegranate" or "blueberry" on the front label are actually made mostly with cheaper juices such as grape and apple. These are fillers juices that have very little nutritional value compared to pomegranate, blueberry, acai and others.
#5: Are juices made from concentrate as good as juices made fresh?
No! Juices from concentrate are usually imported from growers around the world (including China), then reconstituted with water. The process of removing the water in the first place causes a loss of some nutrients. Reconstituted fruit juice is never as nutritionally potent as fresh fruit juice.
There is also no requirement that juice companies list the country of origin for their juice concentrates. For all you know, they may have been imported from China or some other country famous for exporting contaminated products.
#6: What are the ingredients to watch out for on superfruit juice labels?
Watch out for use of the following:
• High fructose corn syrup (a refined sweetener linked to diabetes and obesity)• Sugar (refined table sugar)• Sucrose (also a refined sugar)• Sodium benzoate (a dangerous chemical preservative)• Apple juice (a filler juice and natural sweetener)• Grape juice (also used as a filler juice, better than sugars but still cheaper than superfruit juices
#7: How do I shop for a superfruit juice product?Here's some quick advice:
Top choice: 100% pure superfruit juice, made from fresh fruits (not from concentrate), packaged in glass. These are by far the most expensive juice drinks on the market.
Good choice: 100% pure superfruit juice, made from concentrate, packaged in plastic.
Poor choice: Juice blends containing some amount of superfruit juice (but mostly apple juice and grape juice or water), made from concentrate, packaged in plastic.
Stupid choice: Juice drinks made with high fructose corn syrup and water, containing a small amount of actual juice, packaged in plastic. These are by far the cheapest juice drinks on the market.
#8: What are the healthiest fruit juices, and what are they good for?
Pomegranate: Anti-cancer, protects the heart and cardiovascular system
Blueberry: Lowers high cholesterol, protects the nervous system from oxidative damage (many people can eliminate statin drugs by eating more blueberries)
Acai: Anti-cancer, reduces digestive cancer risk, supports healthy nervous system function
Noni: Extremely potent anti-cancer, immune-boosting fruit (tastes terrible, though, if it's real)
Cherry: Anti-inflammatory. Reduces or ends arthritis pain. Anthocyanins are also anti-cancer.
Cranberry: Well known to eliminate urinary tract infections (and even helps protect you from airborne viral infections).
In fact, the simple thing to remember is that every berry contains natural medicines and the smaller the berry, the more potent the medicine. So large berries like cherries, strawberries and grapes are not nearly as medicinally potent as tiny berries like cranberries, black raspberries, red raspberries, acai and red currants. The more vibrant the color of the berry, the more medicine it contains. Strong or bright colors indicate higher density of natural medicine.
To get the most benefits, eat a large diversity of berries on a regular basis. Don't just stick to eating or drinking one type of berry. Instead, seek out a wide variety of berries and other superfruits.
#9: Can juice products cure my cancer?
Probably not by themselves. Beating cancer with nutrition almost always requires these things:
• Daily consumption of raw plants from the allium family (garlic is best)• Daily consumption of raw cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli)• Massive intake of vitamin D (under supervision of a naturopath)• Daily consumption of raw, freshly blended fruit and vegetable juices (includ beet, ginger, kale and all the superfruits you can find...)• Total body cleansing, including liver cleanse, kidney cleanse and digestive cleanse• Supplementation with trace minerals like selenium• Regular physical exercise that makes you sweat (sweating is the body's way to eliminate toxins)• Completely eliminating all smoking, eating processed foods and using common personal care products or cosmetics (which contain cancer-causing chemicals)• Daily consumption of medicinal mushrooms like Reishi (recommended brand:• Daily consumption of anti-cancer rainforest herbs (like Cat's Claw or Una de Gato: See
As always, be sure to work with a naturopathic physician if you're battling cancer.
#10: What brands of superfruit juice do you trust?
I don't trust any brands. I read the ingredients on everything. Sometimes the same company sells a crap product right next to a quality product. Don't trust brands, and don't trust corporations. Trust only yourself: Read the ingredients!
Additional information from the reportHere's a reprint of some summary information from our Pomegranate and Blueberry Juice Consumer Guide:
1. All the products reviewed here are dead! In other words, even the "honest" products are still made of dead, pasteurized fruits. None of these juices are raw, freshly-squeezed juices, which means they don't even come close to the nutritional value of raw, fresh juices.
The POM Wonderful company disagrees with that statement. Their website counters:
"In order to ensure that you are consuming a safe and healthy beverage, POM Wonderful flash-pasteurizes all its flavors of pomegranate juice. Flash-pasteurization is a process that involves a short period of heating to ensure the elimination of any bacteria. Your safety is our highest priority. Flash-pasteurization also involves a period of rapid cooling in order to retain flavor and nutrients. Flash-pasteurization does not reduce the healthy antioxidants that are found in POM Wonderful pomegranate juice."
However, it is my experience that heating always results in some loss of nutritional value of plant juices. Although the amount of this loss may be small, it is not zero. The actual amount of nutrition that's lost varies on many factors, including the type of nutrients being measured, the temperature to which they are heated and the duration of exposure. The higher the heat and the longer the exposure, the more nutrients are destroyed. That's why pasteurized orange juice, for example, is nutritionally inferior to freshly-squeezed orange juice.
The same is true with pomegranate juice, or blueberry juice, or even cherry juice. Nothing is quite as good as the fresh juices, which is why I strongly recommend the daily consumption of blended smoothies using a Vita-Mix and some raw, fresh ingredients. When you can get pomegranate seeds in season, it's always better to eat them fresh. They're crunchy and sweet, so buy 'em when you can.
When you can't get them in season, juice is the next best thing, and virtually all the juices on the market are made from concentrate. They still offer outstanding health benefits, including proven abilities to help prevent prostate cancer, for example, but they're not as medicinally potent as fresh pomegranate seeds.
2. Most of these pomegranate / blueberry juice products come in plastic containers. Plastics, you may know, often contain the bisphenol-A chemical which is thought to contribute to various cancers. The best products come in glass containers, not plastic. (I recommend buying fruit juices in glass wherever possible.)
3. There are likely pesticide residues in the non-organic juice products. Pesticides aren't listed on the ingredients label, but they're nonetheless present. However, the benefits of consuming these superfruits far outweighs the health effects of trace pesticide consumption, in my opinion, so from a personal perspective, you're still protecting your health with these juice products even if you consume some pesticide residues. For the record, I do not support pesticide use in agriculture and I believe that consumers should buy organic products whenever possible.
4. Some of the healthiest products taste the most bitter. The best-tasting products likely use filler juices such as apple juice and grape juice (which tastes sugary!). Pure pomegranate juice is somewhat bitter and not at all super sweet. So don't judge the quality of these products by how good they taste. The best taste may mean the worst nutrition.
5. Juice concentrates are never as good as fresh juices. Of all the brands reviewed here, most were made from juice concentrates. This means the pomegranates are harvested, blended and dried (usually at high temperatures), then shipped to another facility where the concentrate is re-hydrated, then pasteurized (heated again) and shipped off to the grocery stores. While this process keeps costs down and makes these products more affordable, it also destroys some of the medicinal phytonutrients found in pomegranate juice.
6. Country of origin labeling is not mandatory. Where does all the pomegranate concentrate come from for the products that use concentrate? Nobody knows! One company does say their concentrate is from Turkey, but other companies list nothing. I can tell you from experience that some of this stuff comes from China and is probably contaminated with various heavy metals or scary agricultural toxins. China is the cheapest sources for just about everything in the food and supplement business, but it's also the most highly contaminated source in the world. Sadly, there is no requirement for juice companies to list the country of origin for their juice concentrates.
7. Watch the sugar content of these juices.The other thing to remember with juices made from concentrate is that they tend to be very high in natural sugars, yet they lack the natural fibers found in the original plant. Why does that matter? Because it alters the glycemic index of the juice.
Eight oz. of pomegranate juice (one serving) can deliver over 30 grams of sugars. That's more than two servings of a sweetened breakfast cereal. It's a lot of sugar to deal with. And if you're diabetic or hypoglycemic, you should never drink these juices on an empty stomach. When you eat real pomegranate seeds, you see, the natural seed fibers slow the absorption of the pomegranate sugars. So the glycemic index of pomegranate seeds is far lower than the glycemic index of pomegranate juice. Keep this in mind when planning your consumption of this juice.
Tips: Eat a salad or other high-fiber foods before consuming juices made from concentrate (including pom juice, grape juice, orange juice, blueberry juice or even apple juice). These might include a bowl of oatmeal with extra oat bran, a fresh apple (which contains plenty of fiber), whole grains that are well-chewed, or fiber supplements such as glucomannan. You might also add cinnamon to your oatmeal or breakfast cereal, since cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar and effectively lowers the glycemic index of anything you eat during the same meal.
However, it should be noted that pomegranate sugars are somewhat unique in that they do not spike blood sugar levels as easily as other fruit sugars. It's a mysterious effect, actually, and scientists are not sure why pomegranate juice seems to be so mild in its blood sugar effects. This makes it the ideal juice for diabetics, as it also helps reduce atherosclerosis risks in diabetics. Read Pomegranate Juice Could Benefit Diabetics for more details.
This is also a good reason to go with the higher-quality pomegranate juices mentioned here rather than low-quality juice blends made with apple juice or grape juice (both of which are high on the glycemic index scale). Pure pomegranate juice is far better for your blood sugar than a blend of apple juice or grape juice.
More details on the plastics questionThere is increasing concern today about the health effects of eating foods or drinking liquids packaged in plastic. Since most pomegranate juices are packaged in plastic bottles, this is a reasonable concern.
The offending chemical usually cited in this context is bisphenol-A, a hormone mimicker. Many health experts believe that the rise on hormone-related cancers in western societies today is due, in part, to all of the synthetic hormone-like chemicals found in foods, drugs and packaging. Thus, if people are drinking pomegranate juice to help prevent prostate cancer, doesn't it seem contradictory that the juice would be packaged in plastic containers believed to contribute to prostate cancer?
The real answer, in my educated opinion, is found in the heat factor. Plastic releases more chemicals when it is heated. As a result, cooking foods in plastic may be extremely hazardous to your health, but eating liquids stored in cold plastic may, in fact, only expose you to a tiny fraction of the same chemicals. Although this is not a scientific number, here's a reasonable estimation: Food heated in plastic may generate 500 times the bisphenol-A contamination as food kept cold in plastic containers. Thus, cold plastic containers seem relatively safe.
But don't think you're safe yet! The real question here is: What was the temperature of the juice when it was poured into the plastic bottle at the manufacturing facility? For food safety reasons, it would make operational sense to flash-pasteurize the pomegranate juice and pour it into the bottles as quickly as possible, sealing them from possible bacterial contamination. If this is true, it would mean that high-temperature juice comes into contact with the plastic container, and this could be an opportunity for the release of bisphenol-A.
However, I am not a beverage production engineer, and I'm not familiar with the exact process used by juice bottling companies. In any case, regardless of the above, the safest containers are glass because they don't emit any bisphenol-A chemicals whatsoever. In fact, there's nothing harmful in glass, and it's the container of choice for health-conscious consumers.
Of course, glass breaks easily, and it's heavy. These two factors make plastic the obvious choice for cost-conscious companies who are mass-marketing their juices through the retail channels (grocery stores, etc.) But make no mistake: glass is the container of choice for health-conscious consumers.
How much superfruit juice should I drink?With all the good news about pomegranate juice, many people wonder exactly how much juice they should drink. I find this to be a curious question, borrowed from the pharmaceutical mindset of the population where everything has to have a dosage and side effects disclaimer.
My opinion? Drink as much as you want. This isn't some drug. You can't overdose on pomegranate juice. Just drink at least one serving (8 oz.) a day if you want any serious health benefits.
Pom juice is an excellent addition to any smoothie, by the way, and I've published a collection of healthy smoothie recipes in my book, Superfood Smoothies.
Are the health benefits of pomegranate really so miraculous?Yes they are. If the drug companies had come up with this, they'd call it a miracle drug and try to get it prescribed to everyone. But it's from nature, not a drug company, so it can't be patented, marketed and sold at ridiculous profits. That's why this genuine natural medicine is only a couple of bucks per serving (or dose).
In my view, it's one of the best investments in your health. For less than the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks, you can have an anti-cancer, anti-Alzheimer's, anti-heart disease, anti-diabetes drink that's delicious and healthful. That beats a can of sugar water soda any day!
Remember: The best medicine comes from nature. Plants are like tiny pharmaceutical factories, and they synthesize natural medicines automatically, using soil, sunshine, air and water. It's amazing, but true. These medicines are what the human body was intended to eat, not the processed factory food advertised on television and stocked in grocery store shelves. Food made by man will probably kill you. But food made by nature will heal you, and pomegranate juice is made entirely by nature. Get it fresh if you can, or mininally processed as a second choice.
Scientists today have only begun to explore the healing benefits of pomegranate juice. In the years ahead, even more medicinal benefits will almost certainly be found. I predict that pomegranate juice will one day be prescribed as preventive medicine to halt cancers and protect cardiovascular health. One thing for sure is that drinking pomegranate juice has no negative side effects. You'll be healthier and happier by consuming this miraculous fruit on a daily basis.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
# 111 Cancer : A Multi-System Disease
Is it fool-proof! No healing system is fool-proof.
Will it work every time! Nothing in healing, works every time.
Will it hurt me! You got cancer, and you worry about hurt!
My doctor won't like this! Cancer is not a popularity contest.
My point of view, is that, winning a cancer war, with a natural healing system, requires daily persistence, and extreme aggressiveness.
Persistence and aggressiveness is, with-out a doubt, the most difficult part to continue with and apply on a daily basis. By including prayer, spiritual, and energy healing, with the herbs, makes for a powerful combination. Pissy warm, once in a while efforts, just will not do it.
Here are a few of my sources:
That being said, here is the article:
Originally published September 11 2007
For Successful Healing, Cancer Must Be Treated as a Multi-System Disease by Leslee Dru Browning (NewsTarget Citizen Journalism Report)
You have just been diagnosed with cancer. Your oncologist is pushing you to begin chemotherapy immediately. You know that chemotherapy will make you sick, your hair fall out and leave you completely debilitated and dependent on someone to care for you. You will suffer severe side-effects that may leave your nervous system damaged, weaken your bones or damage your heart. You also realize that chances are your cancer will return after months of grueling treatments. You think maybe you would like to try alternative medicine but your oncologist is against it and you know of others who tried that route and died.
What you may not know is this: Cancer can be healed naturally, and is done so every day, but it takes more than a multivitamin, a few supplements and a daily bowl of blueberries to accomplish complete healing. As an herbalist who has spent many years helping cancer patients heal themselves I have come to the conclusion, like many herbalists before me, that cancer is a result of what I call ‘poor blood’ – by poor I mean the blood is not in optimal condition. Since the blood circulates through every organ in the body and through every cell, it only makes sense that toxins in the blood contaminate the entire body. Blood becomes less than optimal when it is not nourished properly. Without proper nourishment to the blood the body will not survive. It may survive for awhile, even years, but ultimately, the body will suffer from starvation to organs which ultimately causes illness with cancer often resulting as the eventual killer. Therefore, the fundamental goal in curing cancer is not only to restore the blood but to also treat the lymph glands, kidneys, liver, bowel, and bones by nourishment found in herbs. Herbs are effective in healing the body because they are modulators and understand the intricacy of the body’s innate healing capabilities. Their role is to enhance and direct the body’s various systems to function optimally thereby restoring health without doing harm.
Begin with an herbal blood/lymph tonic that includes herbs to build the blood, cleanse the blood, inhibit bacteria, and boost the white blood cells, the red blood cells, and the immune system. An example of a combination of herbs for a tonic that would fit the above criteria is:
anise seed (anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial and appetite stimulant),
astragalus (helps trigger immune cells),
blue violet/sweet violets (has a good reputation for it’s anti-cancer properties through its blood purifying ability),
burdock (has been shown to have anti-cancer properties; removes uric acid from body),
chaparral (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-tumor),
fennel (excellent for digestion; supports spleen and gallbladder)
dandelion root (a rich source of vitamins and minerals),
licorice root (shows a broad range of anticancer activity in vitro; antibody production is enhanced; inhibits growth of several DNA and RNA viruses), oregon grape (stimulates white blood cells known as macrophages; excellent for the blood),
red clover (clinical evidence has shown there is basis for its long-standing reputation as an anti-cancer herb though purifying the blood),
yellow dock (excellent for purifying blood supplied to the glands; improves function of the intestines, kidneys, liver and lymph glands; eliminates pollutants including lead and arsenic).The kidneys need to be supported because they are the organs that filter the blood. They are responsible for separating urea, mineral salts, toxins and other waste products from the blood to be discarded in the urine while it sends clean blood back into the body. They also conserve water, salts, and electrolytes. Prescription medicine is the biggest cause of kidney toxicity with heavy metals from pollution a close second. When the kidneys are weak due to congestion they are unable to completely filter waste products from the blood, which is why an herbal kidney formula needs to be incorporated in all cancer treatments. A good kidney formula might contain cilantro (removes heavy metals), cleavers (clears obstructions, reduces swelling, and is also excellent for the lymphatic system making it a wise choice for any kidney tonic when the body has cancer; it will keep the lymph clear),
horsetail (clears uric acid),
hydrangea root (reduces backache due to kidney pain and dissolves obstructions)
gravel root (dissolves kidney stones),
uva ursi (antibiotic properties),
sandalwood (antiseptic),
marshmallow root (high Vitamin A content; it is also good to clear mucus buildup in the kidneys and anywhere else in the body),
sarsaparilla (blood purifier; kidney circulation),
saw palmetto (urinary & prostate support).
The liver is part of the digestive system. It stores carbohydrates, fats, and proteins until it can break them down. The main purpose of the liver is to clean out fluids and to clear toxins from the blood. The liver is a highly vascular tissue so it is important that the body’s circulation is in good condition otherwise the liver may become congested. If the body is sick with cancer the liver needs help. It needs to be cleansed while at the same time built up. Some of the herbs you might choose for a liver tonic to both cleanse and heal the liver are:
agrimony (not only helps the liver but also supports the intestines)
barberry (aids in the secretion of bile and helps regulate digestive problems), bupleurum (liver specific but it also works for inflammation and pain), dandelion (helps bile duct inflammation and gives gastric balance while supporting the gall bladder and pancreas)
horehound (for chronic liver illness),
parsley (supports blood vessels and capillaries),
pau d’ arco (clears out liver poisons and fungus),
licorice (provides energy and works to heal hepatitis and liver lesions),
milk thistle (liver diseases and gallbladder support),
oregon grape (a hepatic which means it is specific for treating the liver while at the same time a powerful blood cleanser),
wild yam (for bilious colic, indigestion and spasms).
Now we look to the colon. The purpose of the colon as an eliminative organ is to remove waste material by mass muscular contraction called peristalsis. In my experience I have found that nearly 75% of cancer patients have suffered from some form of chronic constipation during their lives. I consider constipation when the bowels do not move at least once a day. When the bowels do not move daily poisons can accumulate in the colon. Depending on where the poison accumulates in the colon will depend on where cancer develops for there is a point on the colon for every organ and system in the body. Any of these points, if clogged, toxic, or full of old fecal matter, will eventually bring illness to that part of the body the colon signifies. The bowel must be swept clean of all debris. Some people will need a gentle nudge while others require a greater nudge. Herbs that can be used in combination for healing the colon are:
aloe vera (has anti-cancer properties; has a long reputation for bowel health; rich in over 200 nutrients),
barberry (for bacteria, not only in the bowel, but anywhere in the body),
black walnut hull (for parasites),
cascara sagrada (anti-biotic effects on harmful bacteria in the colon; restores nerve tone to the colon; cleanses the intestines, builds the bowel, treats a sluggish gallbladder, kills intestinal parasites),
cinnamon (kills parasite eggs),
cramp bark (eases cramping),
fenugreek seed (clears out hardened mucus),
gentian (for digestive function including production of stomach acid to break down foods)
marshmallow root (helps heal gastritis; is smooth moving; fibrous so it also sweeps and cleans),
plantain (clears toxic waste from the body),
red raspberry leaf (has anti-cancer properties including ellagic acid),
rhubarb (anti-bacterial; eases stomach pain; mild laxative),
yucca (reduces toxins in the alimentary canal; aids digestion; relieves pain; reduces inflammation; breaks up mineral deposits).
Bones also need to be protected so that cancer does not invade to them. Calcium-rich herbs along with red blood cell building herbs will protect the bones as well as give a boost to bone marrow:
codonopsis (it stimulates the growth of red blood cells, enhances T-Cell transformation; enhances the spleen and lung),
gota kola (strengthens the connective tissue),
ho-shou-wo (lumbago, weak bone, sinew and cartilage),
horsetail (bones, skin and nails; high in silica),
nettles (anemia; red blood cells),
oatstraw (heart, nerves, nutritive; calcium; used for general debility),
red clover (calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, thiamine, and vitamin C),
red raspberry (acts as a nutritive; rich in calcium),
rose hips (source of vitamin K),
suma (powerful immune stimulator).
It only takes 4 or 5 tonics to heal the blood, lymphatic system, urinary system, digestive system, circulatory system and skeletal system depending on the herbal combinations chosen. The reason is because most herbal combinations will include herbs that treat other organs and conditions as well.
Horehound, licorice and blue violet along with marshmallow are excellent for the lungs. Licorice root also supports the adrenal glands. Many of the kidney herbs treat the prostrate. The lymphatic herbs will treat the breast. Herbs in the colon/bowel tonic will treat fungus and Candida. Plantain will eliminate poisons in the body and yucca can help with inflammation while black walnut kills parasites. Bupleurum will help with pain and inflammation.Every cancer patient should be given one form or another of the above tonics made specifically to fit their special needs for their liver, kidneys, bowel, and bones, along with a blood tonic. The blood tonic should be chosen and made specifically for the type of cancer the client has; just as each person is unique, cancer’s are different as well. I believe all herbal tonics should be in liquid form. Liquid is easy on the digestive organs and it goes straight to the problem. The results are faster and the patient is not overwhelmed with having to swallow 40 or more supplements a day. It is advantageous when the patient is under a great deal of fatigue. Concentrate herbal tonics along with diet changes, essential fatty acids, probiotics, alpha-lipoic-acid for brain protection and at least 9 hour of sleep a night will put you on your way to healing your cancer and restoring your health.Locate a local herbalist who can prepare concentrated herbal liquid tonics, or teas, for you that are tailored to your special needs.
About the author Leslee Dru Browning is a 6th generation Medical Herbalist & Nutritionist from the ancestral line of Patty Bartlett Sessions; Pioneer Mid-Wife & Herbalist. Leslee practiced Medical Herbalism and Nutritional Healing for over 25 years and specialized in Cancer Wellness along with Chronic Illness.
She now devotes her career to teaching people, through her writing, about Natural Healing from An Herbal Perspective.
All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing LLC takes sole responsibility for all content. Truth Publishing sells no hard products and earns no money from the recommendation of products. is presented for educational and commentary purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed practitioner. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. For the full terms of usage of this material, visit